Søgning på udtrykket 'aids' giver 79 resultater

Dokumenter [7] Sider [4] Kalender [25] Nyt fra tidsskrifterne [+20] Aktuelle smitsomme sygdomme [+20]

Dokumenter [7]

Version: 3. Endelig guideline: 01.09.2020. Guideline skal revideres senest: 01.09.2023 Arbejdsgruppens medlemmer: Peer Brehm Christensen, Christian Erikstrup, Jan Gerstoft, Terese Katzenstein, Alex Laursen, Suzanne Lunding, Birgitte Mørn og Nina Weis.

Udarbejdet af DSI's arbejdsgruppe vedrørende antiretroviral terapi

Arrangereret af AIDS-fondet og CHIP

Correspondence regarding "Use of statins and risk of AIDS-defining and non-AIDS-defining malignancies among HIV-1 infected patients on antiretroviral therapy"

Senest revideret september 2021 . Arbejdsgruppen bestod af: Jan Gerstoft, Gitte Kronborg , Ann Brit Eg Hansen, Jens D. Lundgren, Henrik I. Nielsen, Olav Ditlevsen Larsen , Niels Obel og Alex Laursen

Forfattet af DSI's arbejdsgruppe vedrørende antiviral behandling

Sider [4]

…iologisk terrorisme. Specialet er karakteriseret ved et sygdomspanorama hvor sygdommenes prævalens såvel som incidens ændres hurtigt på lokalt og globalt plan. Over de seneste tyve år har specialet udviklet sig til at håndtere behandlingen af HIV og AIDS. I de seneste år er nye alvorlige infektionssygdomme som SARS, fugleinfluenza, West Nile virus, Hanta virus, Nipah virus, og Hendra virus tilkommet. Alvorlige sygdomme som hæmoragisk viral feber forårsaget af Ebola, Lassa, Dengue, Crimean-Congo, Ri…

…iologisk terrorisme. Specialet er karakteriseret ved et sygdomspanorama hvor sygdommenes prævalens såvel som incidens ændres hurtigt på lokalt og globalt plan. Over de seneste tyve år har specialet udviklet sig til at håndtere behandlingen af HIV og AIDS. I de seneste år er nye alvorlige infektionssygdomme som SARS, fugleinfluenza, West Nile virus, Hanta virus, Nipah virus, og Hendra virus tilkommet. Alvorlige sygdomme som hæmoragisk viral feber forårsaget af Ebola, Lassa, Dengue, Crimean-Congo, Ri…

Formål: At kursisten skal opnå en forståelse af HIV-infektionen herunder viden om dens epidemiologi, patogenese, patofysiologi, diagnose, forebyggelse, behandlingsmuligheder og prognose samt viden om diagnostik og behandlingen af AIDS-definerende sygdomme og de hyppigste sexuelt overførte sygdomme. Tid og sted: Hvidovre Hospital. Lokale 10 i undervisningsbygningen. Delkursusledere: Ann-Brit Eg Hansen og Ole Kirk. Program: Mandag 3. oktober: 10:00-10:15 Velkomst og introduktion (Ann-…

… og Lene Ryom. Formål: At kursisten skal opnå en forståelse af HIV-infektionen, herunder viden om dens epidemiologi, patogenese, diagnose, forebyggelse, behandlingsmulighederne og prognose. Derudover at opnå viden om diagnostik og behandlingen af AIDS-definerende sygdomme og af de hyppigste komorbiditeter hos dem, der lever med HIV. Program: Det anbefales at kursisterne inden kursus start orienterer sig i EACS Guidelines, særligt vedr. antiretroviral behandling www.eacsociety.org/guid…

Professor Henrik Nielsen kommenterer: Trods indiskutable fremskridt i den farmakologiske behandling af HIV/AIDS er der fortsat områder med plads til forbedring. Blandt patienter i kronisk behandling er HAND (HIV-associated neurocognitive disorder) et af disse eksempler. Det har været debatteret om forskelle i antiretrovirale lægemidlers penetrans over blod/hjerne barrieren har betydning for HAND og for AIDS-definerende opportunistisk infektion i hjernen. Der er ingen tvivl om at koncentr…

Professor Niels Obel kommenterer: Artiklen illustrerer en af de væsentligste bias i epidemiologi, nemlig immortal time bias. Det er tankevækkende, at denne form for bias kan forekomme i så udpræget form i et anset tidsskrift som AIDS. Og det kan undre, at forfatterne, reviewers og editors ikke har været (og tilsyneladende ikke er) forundrede over, at statiner tilsyneladende beskytter mest inden de ordineres!. Denne form for bias forekommer i kohorte-studier, hvor individerne kategoriseres på grundlag …

Professor Troels Lillebæk kommenterer: Interessant systematisk review i AIDS om udbytte af screening for tuberkulose infektion (TBI) blandt personer, der lever med HIV (PLHIV) i tuberkulose lav-incidens lande (som Danmark) . Inddraget i alt 51 undersøgelser med 65.930 PLHIV hvoraf 12 % havde en positiv LTBI-test, som var stærkt relateret til oprindelsesland og eksponering for TB ). Forfatterne beretter at 20 TBI-positive personer skulle behandles for at forhindre ét tilfælde af TB, og at antallet, der …

Kalender [25]

22. juli, München, Tyskland
18. oktober 2023, Warszawa, Polen
23. juli 2023, Brisbane, Australien og virtuelt
29. juli 2022, Montreal, Canada
27. oktober 2021, London, England
6. november 2019, Basel, Schweitz
11. juni 2019, Frederiksberg Campus, Dyrlægevej 100, 1870 Frederiksberg
23. juli 2018, Amsterdam, Holland
25. oktober 2017, Milano, Italien
23. juli 2017, Paris, Frankrig
23. oktober 2016, Glasgow, Skotland
17. juli 2016, Durban, Sydafrika
16. juli 2016, Durban, Sydafrika
21. oktober 2015, Barcelona, Spanien
19. juli 2015, Vancouver, Canada
19. marts 2015, Auditorium 1, Rigshospitalet
2. november 2014, Glasgow, Skotland
20. juli 2014, Melbourne, Australien
2. april 2014, Cape Town, Sydafrika
16. oktober 2013, Bruxelles, Belgien
30. juni 2013, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Nyt fra tidsskrifterne [+20]

Der er mere end 20 resultater, måske du vil se flere resultater her?
2023 marked the 75th anniversary of the UN's Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The Universal Declaration articulates an inspiring vision of a world that is just, equitable, tolerant, and strategically focused on actions to address the most vulnerable and marginalised populations—a counterpoint to the atrocities, repression, and colonialism that characterised much of the 20th century. Endorsement of the Universal Declaration was not commensurate with reality in many cases—especially because numerous…
…an adults with perinatally-acquired HIV (PHIV) aged 18 to 30 . Design: . Description of outcomes based on electronic health records for a cohort of 375 young adults with PHIV enrolled in routine HIV care at clinics contributing data to the North American AIDS Cohort Collaboration on Research and Design (NA-ACCORD) . Methods: . We estimated overall, sex-, and race-stratified cumulative incidences using Turnbull estimation, and incidence rates using quasi-Poisson regression. T2DM was defined as glycosylated…
Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes
Background: . Non-acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)-defining cancers (NADCs) in patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) have recently attracted attention because of the improved survival of this patient population. To obtain accurate data, a longitudinal study is warranted for the nationwide surveillance of the current status and national trend of NADCs in patients infected with HIV in Japan. Setting: . An annual nationwide surveillance of NADCs in patients infected with HIV-1 in…
International Journal of Infectious Diseases
…late stage of the disease is still a significant challenge, even in high-income countries [1,2]. Late HIV diagnosis (LD) has been defined as a person first diagnosed with HIV with a CD4 count below 350 cell/mm3 or with an AIDS-defining event (ADE) regardless of the CD4 count, excluding individuals with evidence of recent HIV infection [3,4]. In 2021, according to the European and Italian HIV surveillance data, 54% of newly diagnosed HIV-positive subjects in Europe and 63% in Italy were diagnosed late [1,2].
. Abstract. . Purpose. This study examined the characteristics, incidence and prognostic factors of the first AIDS-defining condition developed after more than one year of continuous antiretroviral therapy (ART) among people living with HIV (PLHIV). . . . Methods. We used data from two multicentre observational cohorts of PLHIV in Germany between 1999 and 2…
PLoS One Infectious Diseases
…fear and moral panic, as there was limited medical knowledge on preventing its transmission. While HIV is often associated with Sub-Saharan Africa, this article focuses on Sweden, a pioneering nation that became the first to achieve the remarkable Joint UNAIDS/WHO 90-90-90 continuum in addressing the epidemic. However, despite this significant milestone, the punitive legislation and attitudes prevalent in Sweden have had a counterproductive effect on curbing the virus’s spread. Drawing upon a comprehensiv…
. Abstract. . Purpose. This study examined the characteristics, incidence and prognostic factors of the first AIDS-defining condition developed after more than one year of continuous antiretroviral therapy (ART) among people living with HIV (PLHIV). . . . Methods. We used data from two multicentre observational cohorts of PLHIV in Germany between 1999 and 2…
Clinical Infectious Diseases
…f proteinuria than people without HIV (PWOH), it is unknown whether incident proteinuria differs by HIV serostatus among pre-diabetic persons.Methods . Urine protein-to-creatinine ratio (PCR) was measured at semi-annual visits among men in the Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study since April 2006. Men with pre-DM on or after April 2006 and no prevalent proteinuria or use of anti-diabetic medications were included. Pre-diabetes was defined as fasting glucose (FG) of 100-125 mg/dL confirmed within a year by a repe…
PLoS One Infectious Diseases
…lel, Kate Nyhan, Katie Wang, Joan Monin . Introduction The population of women aged 50 years and older living with HIV is increasing. Older women face unique challenges in the prevention and management of HIV; however, they are often under engaged in HIV/AIDS research. One such challenge is gender-based stigma, which can be manifested through harmful gendered stereotypes, discrimination, prejudice, and sexism that could potentially hinder HIV care engagement among this population. We propose a scoping revi…
PLoS One Infectious Diseases
by Rodrigo Volmir Anderle, Robson Bruniera de Oliveira, Felipe Alves Rubio, James Macinko, Ines Dourado, Davide Rasella . Objective To end the AIDS epidemic by 2030, despite the increasing poverty and inequalities, policies should be designed to deal with population heterogeneity and environmental changes. Bottom-up designs, such as the Agent-Based Model (ABM), can model these features, dealing with such complexity. HIV/AIDS has a complex dynamic of structural factors, risk behaviors, biomedical characteri…
BMC Infectious Diseases
. Abstract. . Background objective. This study aimed to understand the basic situation of adults with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) receiving antiretroviral therapy (ART) in Meigu County, Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture. The information of patients who had been on ART for more than 6 months, the effect of ART, the possible reasons for ART failure, knowledge of drug resistance among patients with ART failure and the…
Journal of Infectious Diseases
Abstract . Background . Torque Teno Virus (TTV) is a non-enveloped, circular single-strand DNA virus and part of the human virome. The replication of TTV was related to the immune status in patients treated with immunosuppressive drugs after organ transplantation. We hypothesize that TTV load could be an additional marker for immune function in people living with HIV (PLWH).Methods . In this analysis serum samples of PLWH from the RESINA multicenter cohort were reanalysed for TTV. Investigated clinical and …
Objective: . Investigate the role of the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) – which funds services for vulnerable and historically disadvantaged populations with HIV – in reducing health inequities among people with HIV over a 10-year horizon. Design: . We use an agent-based microsimulation model to incorporate the complexity of the program and long-time horizon. Methods: . We use a composite measure (the Theil index) to evaluate the health equity implications of the RWHAP for each of four subgroups…
Objectives: . There is conflicting data regarding the response of older people with HIV (PWH) to antiretroviral therapy (ART). The objective of this study was to evaluate the long-term immunological and virological responses, changes in regimen, and adverse drug reactions (ADRs) in older participants (50+ years) compared with younger (18–34 years) and middle-aged (35–49 years) PWH. Methods: . A retrospective review of medical records was conducted on 1622 participants who received ART in Yunnan Pr…
PLoS One Infectious Diseases
by Alexandre Perret, Marion Le Marechal, Raphaele Germi, Daniele Maubon, Cécile Garnaud, Johan Noble, Aude Boignard, Loïc Falque, Mathieu Meunier, Théophile Gerster, Olivier Epaulard . Objectives Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is frequently detected in lung and/or blood samples of patients with Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia (PJP), although this co-detection is not precisely understood. We aimed to determine whether PJP was more severe in case of CMV detection. Methods We retrospectively included all patients…
BMJ Open
…ity. Following TB treatment, surviving individuals may be at risk for post-TB lung disease. The TB Sentinel Research Network (TB-SRN) provides a platform for coordinated observational TB research within the International epidemiology Databases to Evaluate AIDS (IeDEA) consortium. . Methods and analysis. This prospective, observational cohort study will assess treatment and post-treatment outcomes of pulmonary TB (microbiologically confirmed or clinically diagnosed) among 2600 people aged ≥15 years, with …
BMC Infectious Diseases
. Abstract. . Background. Misconceptions and myths are still the bottlenecks for the prevention of HIV/AIDS transmission in developing countries. This study aimed to assess the prevalence and associated factors of misconception about HIV transmission among reproductive age groups using the most recently available Ethiopian Demographic and Health Surveydata. . . . …
BMJ Open
. Introduction. Hearing loss is one of the leading potentially modifiable risk factors for dementia. There is growing evidence suggesting that treating hearing loss with hearing aids could be a relatively low-cost intervention in reducing cognitive decline and the risk of dementia in the long term. However, given the current constraints of the limited evidence, it is premature to draw definitive conclusions about the effect of hearing aids on cognitive functioning. More long-term randomised studies examinin…
. Abstract. In a 21-year-old female, AIDS following infection with HIV-2 was diagnosed alongside an HIV-associated high-grade B cell lymphoma. Treatment of HIV-2 with dolutegravir, emtricitabine, and tenofovir resulted in viral suppression and slow recovery of CD4 cell counts. Treatment of lymphoma caused significant adverse effects but led to complete remission. The patient denied sexual activity and intravenous drug abuse. The patient had been born to an HIV-2-positive …

Aktuelle smitsomme sygdomme [+20]

Der er mere end 20 resultater, måske du vil se flere resultater her?
Medscape Infectious Diseases
The acronym is no longer useful and may be harmful, according to a group of specialists who are debating the concept with other experts. . Medscape Medical News
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR)
This report describes trends in the initiation and completion of preventive treatment for tuberculosis in people with HIV through PEPFAR-supported programs.
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR)
This report describes higher proportions of deaths among children younger than 5 with HIV receiving antiretroviral treatment (ART) compared with older children and adults with HIV receiving ART.
Mpox -- Andorra / 4 / 0Argentina / 1127 / 2Aruba / 3 / 0Australia / 144 / 0Austria / 327 / 0Bahamas / 2 / 0Bahrain / 1 / 0Barbados / 1 / 0Belgium / 793 / 2Benin / 3 / 0Bermuda / 1 / 0Bolivia / 265 / 0Bosnia and Herzegovina / 9 / 0Brazil / 10 897 / 15Bulgaria / 6 / 0Cameroon / 18 / 3Canada / 1480 / 0Central African Republic / 29 / 1Chile / 1439 / 2China / 1 / 0Colombia / 4089 / 0Costa Rica / 217 / 1Croatia / 33 / 0Cuba / 8 / 1Curacao / 3 / 0Cyprus / 5 /
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR)
This report describes the worldwide progress of eliminating HIV as a global public health threat through the use of antiretroviral therapy.
Medscape Infectious Diseases
The top 3 things you should know to start your day. . 3 Things to Know Today
Statens Serum Institut
Den 1. december afvikles der World Aids Day (WAD) for 34. gang. Denne dag markeres af organisationer, foreninger og enkeltpersoner verden over. Årets slogan er ”Equalize”, hvilket nærmest kan oversættes med ”Udlign uligheden”.
Medscape Infectious Diseases
Necrotic lesions, monkeypox therapy delays, and multiple admissions marked severe monkeypox infection among people with inadequately managed HIV. . Medscape Medical News
Medscape Infectious Diseases
Compared with reduced-dose prophylaxis, full-dose anticoagulation cut thrombotic events but also boosted bleeding in patients with COVID-19 who needed ICU admission. .
Medscape Infectious Diseases
The incidence of schistosomiasis is increasing in Europe. Primary care physicians, who are patients' first point of contact with the healthcare system, must be able to recognize and treat the disease. .
Medscape Infectious Diseases
In honor of HIV/AIDS Awareness Month, Medscape explores the life and art advocacy of Niki de Saint Phalle, a sculptor and illustrator who helped to reshape the narrative surrounding the epidemic.
Statens Serum Institut
Den 1. december afvikles der World Aids Day for 33. gang over hele verden. I Danmark forsætter den positive udvikling med færre nye hiv-diagnoser. Fra 2019 til 2020 har der været et fald i antallet af nye hiv-diagnoser på 24%.
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR)
This report describes the percentage of adults aged ≥65 years who have difficulty hearing or who can't hear even when using hearing aids.
Medscape Infectious Diseases
Public health resources have shifted from one pandemic to the other, and experts fear steep declines in testing and diagnoses mean more people will contract HIV and die of AIDS.
Statens Serum Institut
Den 1. december afvikles der World Aids Day for 32. gang.
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR)
Tuberculosis preventive treatment (TPT) decreases morbidity and mortality among persons living with human immunodeficiency virus infection but remains underutilized. The U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief has committed to providing TPT to all eligible persons receiving antiretroviral therapy by 2021.
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR)
National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day is observed each year on February 7 to highlight the continuing disproportionate impact of human immuno¬deficiency virus (HIV) infection and acquired immuno-deficiency syndrome (AIDS) on the U.S. black or African American population.
Statens Serum Institut
Den 1. december afvikles der World Aids Day for 31. gang. Denne gang under temaet ”Fællesskaber gør forskellen”.
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR)
World AIDS Day is observed annually on December 1.
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR)
National Latinx AIDS Awareness Day, October 15, is an opportunity to encourage increased human immunodeficiency virus prevention efforts among Hispanics/Latinos.


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