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Søgning på udtrykket 'tamiflu' giver 5 resultater

Dokumenter [1] Aktuelle smitsomme sygdomme [4]
Dokumenter [1]

Udarbejdet af Dansk Selskab for Infektionsmedicin i samarbejde med Dansk Selskab for Klinisk Mikrobiologi, Dansk Hæmatologisk Selskab, Dansk Pædiatrisk Selskab, Dansk Selskab for Almen Medicin, Dansk Lungemedicinsk Selskab, Dansk Selskab for Obstetrik og Gynækologi, Dansk Transplantationsselskab, Dansk Selskab for Klinisk Onkologi, Statens Serum Institut & Fagligt Selskab for Hygiejnesygeplejersker

Aktuelle smitsomme sygdomme [4]

Aktuelle smitsomme sygdomme [4]
… the scene by taking samples from. people who had been in contact with the patient and continuing to. search for suspected cases and contacts to prevent further. transmission to others in the community. They have also urgently. treated close contacts with Tamiflu and conducted an education and. guidance campaign for residents in the affected villages to prevent. bird flu. . The Ministry of Health would like to remind all citizens to always be.
…hnical methods and protocols, continue to search for. sources of infection in both animals and humans, and continue to. search for suspected cases and contacts to prevent further. transmission to others in thecommunity, as well as distribute the. medicine Tamiflu to close contacts and conduct a health education. campaign for citizens in the villages where the incident occurred. . The Ministry of Health would like to remind all citizens to always pay.
…y may have been. exposed to the virus. . 'The more time that goes by, the more memories fade and the harder it. is to identify a potential source,' Shah said. What's more, 'their. close contacts may be beyond the window for preventative medications. like Tamiflu.' . . The latest CDC alert says testing for bird flu should move more. quickly, ideally within 24 hours of a person's hospital admission. . 'The system right now tells us what has already happened. What we need.
…rding to. technical methods and protocols, continue to search for sources of. infection in both animals and humans, and continue to search for. suspected cases and contacts to prevent further transmission to others. in the community, as well as distribute Tamiflu to close contacts and. conduct health education campaigns for citizens in the villages where. the incident occurred. . . The Ministry of Health would like to remind all citizens to always pay.

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