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Søgning på udtrykket 'influenza' giver 48 resultater

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Udarbejdet af Dansk Selskab for Infektionsmedicin i samarbejde med Dansk Selskab for Klinisk Mikrobiologi, Dansk Hæmatologisk Selskab, Dansk Pædiatrisk Selskab, Dansk Selskab for Almen Medicin, Dansk Lungemedicinsk Selskab, Dansk Selskab for Obstetrik og Gynækologi, Dansk Transplantationsselskab, Dansk Selskab for Klinisk Onkologi, Statens Serum Institut & Fagligt Selskab for Hygiejnesygeplejersker

…ion ved aspleni. Denne vejledning dækker anbefalinger omhandlende vaccinationer, antibiotika profylakse og patientinformation om generelle forholdsregler for at beskytte personer med aspleni mod infektioner. Version 1.2, 22.10.2024. Ændringer siden version 1.1: Vaccination mod Haemophilus influenzae ændret til 1 dosis (fejlagtigt angivet 3 doser). Menveo beskytter efter 1 dosis (fejlagtigt angivet som nødvendigt med 2. dosis efter 2-3 mdr). Link til bilag om vaccinationer tilføjet i Quickguiden.

National retningslinje for håndtering af voksne patienter indlagt med pneumoni. Udarbejdet af repræsentanter for DSI, DLS og DSKM 2. udgave, 2025

Bl.a. om HIV, hepatitis, influenza og CNS infektioner

Sider [2]

…nti-TNF-alfa (2011), Tjekliste ved screening før behandling med anti-TNF-alpha, Indvandrermedicin: Chalotte Stecher (tovholder), Hanne Nødgaard Christensen, Christian Wejse, Jane Agergaard, Morten Sodemann og Marie Nørredam Influenza: Jens Lundgren (tovholder), Thomas Benfield, Jan Gerstoft, Isik Johansen, Gitte Kronborg, Henrik Nielsen, Lene Surland Knudsen, Merete Storgaard og Ole Kirk Influenza, Meningitis og encephalitis: Christian Brandt (tovholder), .

Risikoen for bakteriel infektion og sepsis er svært forhøjet ved manglende miltfunktion som følge af splenektomi samt kongenit eller funktionel aspleni. Alvorlige infektioner skyldes primært Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae og Neisseria meningitidis. Risikoen for svær infektion ved malaria og dyrebid er også markant forhøjet. Vaccination, antibiotika profylakse/tidlig behandling og adækvat patient information er afgørende for forebyggelse af infektioner.

…der kan smitte gennem upasteuriseret mælk omfatter som bekendt bl.a. brucella, Mycobacterium bovis, Listeria, Q-feber, HEV og TBE. Men nu er også influenza på listen. Udover de vidtrækkende konsekvenser, som fugleinfluenza-infektioner kan have i husdyrhold, så er det altså også nu en sygdom på listen over infektiøse agens, der smitter gennem upasteuriseret ko-mælk. Heldigvis ser det ud til at pasteurisering er effektiv, og det skal også bemærkes, at i artiklen har man kun set på katte og mus.

Kalender [1]
2. april, Lille auditorium, Sjællands Universitets Sygehus
Nyt fra tidsskrifterne [+20]

Der er mere end 20 resultater, måske du vil se flere resultater her?

PLoS One Infectious Diseases
…ounmenou, Kadio Jean-Jacques Olivier Kadio, Aly Badara Touré, Kouramoudou Bereté, Emile Faya Bongono, Sidikiba Sidibé, Alexendre Delamou, Alioune Camara, Alpha-Kabinet Keita, Abdoulaye Touré . Background In 2022-2023, Guinea experienced a major avian influenza epizootic, leading to significant economic losses and increasing the risk of transmission to humans.
BMC Infectious Diseases
. Background. Seasonal influenza can lead to severe complications and death, resulting in high disease burden each year. The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control introduced the Burden of Communicable diseases in Europe (BCoDE) project, quantifying the disease burden of infectious diseases in disability-adjusted life years (DALY). DALYs for influenza exceed those of Tuberculosis, HIV, and Invasive pneumococcal disease.
Clinical Infectious Diseases
Abstract . Baloxavir marboxil is approved for influenza treatment and post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP). There are limited real world examples of its use in influenza outbreaks. Here, we describe the use of Baloxavir marboxil as PEP to halt an influenza outbreak among a student athlete sports team during the 2024-2025 influenza season.
Journal of Infectious Diseases
Abstract . Background . WXSH0208 is a selective inhibitor of influenza RNA polymerase subunit, demonstrating antiviral activity in preclinical studies against influenza A and B virus infections. The purpose of this study was to investigate the efficacy and safety of WXSH0208 in adult outpatients with uncomplicated influenza.Methods . We conducted a multicenter phase 2 trial based on a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled design at 23 research centers in China from November 2023 to March 2024.
BMJ Open
. Introduction. Under-vaccination among underserved groups remains low due to existing disparities. This is particularly the case with postpandemic COVID-19 vaccinations and other vaccine-preventable diseases, including measles, mumps, rubella or influenza.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Volume 122, Issue 11, March 2025. SignificanceInfluenza A virus (IAV) is an important zoonotic pathogen and one of the first pathogens found to express mRNAs bearing internalN6-methyladnosine (m6A) modification. However, the function and regulatory mechanism of m6A in the replication .
Emerg Microbes Infect
Volume 14, Issue 1, December 2025 .
Journal of Infectious Diseases
Abstract . Background . Antibody responses to MF59-adjuvanted (MF59Flu) and high-dose (HDFlu) influenza vaccines have been well-characterized in older adults, yet corresponding cellular immune response data remain limited.Methods . Blood samples were collected from 106 MF59Flu recipients and 112 HDFlu recipients at four time points: before vaccination (Day 0), and on Days 1, 8, and 28 post-vaccination. Antibody responses were assessed in serum samples using a hemagglutination inhibition assay.
Journal of Infectious Diseases
Abstract . We used statewide surveillance data to describe the epidemiology of invasive Haemophilus influenzae type a (Hia) disease in Alaska during 2018–2022. Of 52 cases identified, 39 (75%) occurred among Alaska Native children aged
Journal of the American Medical Association
To the Editor In a recent study, electronically delivered nudges directed at patients with chronic diseases significantly improved influenza vaccination uptake, although the magnitude of improvement was limited. This result may have reflected the selection characteristics of the study population, which included patients with chronic diseases who likely had high baseline awareness of the benefits of influenza vaccination. Consequently, high baseline intent may have attenuated the intervention’s effect.
Journal of the American Medical Association
In Reply We appreciate the Letter from Ms Wu and colleagues about our trial. Vaccination behavior is known to be influenced by multiple factors, and we completely agree that invitation timing, geographical accessibility to vaccination sites, and prior vaccination beliefs and experiences may be significant determinants.
Clinical Infectious Diseases
Abstract . Background . Influenza is a pervasive respiratory infection which disproportionately burdens long-term care residents. To limit outbreaks, guidelines recommend antiviral prophylaxis, particularly oseltamivir or zanamivir, despite acknowledging the inadequate supporting evidence. Therefore, we aimed to review the literature on the efficacy of oseltamivir, zanamivir, and baloxavir prophylaxis for influenza in long-term care.Methods .
BMC Infectious Diseases
. Background. Non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) are critical for influenza control and prevention, however, the data about such interventions are insufficient among students in grades below middle school. Hence, this study aims to explore the effectiveness of NPIs (class-suspension and symptom-based isolation) on the control of influenza spread among children in primary school and kindergarten.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Volume 122, Issue 9, March 2025. SignificanceThe dominance of the H9N2 subtype of avian influenza virus (AIV) within the influenza A virus family has raised questions regarding the factors influencing its epidemiological dominance. This study concentrates on the role of five major .
Journal of the American Medical Association
This Medical News article discusses new guidance for clinicians and laboratories to prevent delays in detecting human cases of avian influenza A(H5N1) infection.
Lancet Microbe
Our findings suggest that the effect of LAIVs on nasopharyngeal microbiota composition in children is modest and temporary; therefore, LAIVs could be used as an intervention to curb influenza in children from low-income and middle-income countries, without causing long-lasting perturbations in nasopharyngeal microbiota. However, nasopharyngeal microbiota at the time of vaccination might not explain the variability observed between individuals in LAIV-induced IgA responses.
Aktuelle smitsomme sygdomme [+20]

Der er mere end 20 resultater, måske du vil se flere resultater her?

. . . AVIAN INFLUENZA (88): USA (MONTANA) BACKYARD POULTRY FLOCK. **********************************************************. A ProMED-mail post. www.promedmail.org. ProMED-mail is a program of the. International Society for Infectious Diseases. www.isid.org . Date: Fri 21 Mar 2025 . Source: News.mt.gov [edited] . news.mt.gov/Department-of-Livestock/Avian-Influenza-Confirmed-in-Gallatin-County . . . Avian influenza confirmed in Gallatin County .
. . . AVIAN INFLUENZA (87): UK, HPAI H5N1, SHEEP. ******************************************. A ProMED-mail post. www.promedmail.org. ProMED-mail is a program of the. International Society for Infectious Diseases. www.isid.org . [1] UK Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs and Animal and. Plant Health Agency . Date: Mon 24 Mar 2025 . Source: DEFRA press release [edited] .
. . . AVIAN INFLUENZA, HUMAN - CAMBODIA (03): (KRATIE) H5N1, FATAL. ************************************************************. A ProMED-mail post. www.promedmail.org. ProMED-mail is a program of the. International Society for Infectious Diseases. www.isid.org . [1] . Date: Sun 23 Mar 2025 . Source: Ministry of Health, Cambodia [in Khmer, machine trans.,. edited] . www.facebook.com/share/p/1Bo3mMwVu6/ and. www.facebook.com/share/p/1A67MdnzXp/ . . .
. . . AVIAN INFLUENZA (86): CHINA (HONG KONG) HPAI H5N1, WILD BIRD, WOAH. ******************************************************************. A ProMED-mail post. www.promedmail.org. ProMED-mail is a program of the. International Society for Infectious Diseases. www.isid.org . Date: Wed 19 Mar 2025 . Source: WOAH-WAHIS (World Animal Health Information System) [edited] . wahis.woah.org/#/in-review/6008?fromPage=event-dashboard-url . . .
. . . AVIAN INFLUENZA (85): TOGO (CENTRALE, MARITIME) POULTRY, H5N1,. OUTBREAK. ***********************************************************************. A ProMED-mail post. www.promedmail.org. ProMED-mail is a program of the. International Society for Infectious Diseases. www.isid.org . Date: Sat 22 Mar 2025 . Source: Le Nouveau Reporter [in French, machine trans., edited] .
. . . AVIAN INFLUENZA (84): USA (MULTIPLE STATES) CANADA, POULTRY, DAIRY. CATTLE, CATS. *******************************************************************************. A ProMED-mail post. www.promedmail.org. ProMED-mail is a program of the. International Society for Infectious Diseases. www.isid.org . USA . [1] Multiple states: poultry & dairy cattle . [2] Arizona: cattle . [3] New York (New York City): 2 cats . [4] Mississippi (H7N9, Noxubee County): poultry . Canada .
. . . AVIAN INFLUENZA (83): USA, SUSPECTED, CAT FOOD RECALL. *****************************************************. A ProMED-mail post. www.promedmail.org. ProMED-mail is a program of the. International Society for Infectious Diseases. www.isid.org . Date: Sat 15 Mar 2025 . Source: FDA [edited] . www.fda.gov/safety/recalls-market-withdrawals-safety-alerts/savage-pet-recalls-savage-cat-food-chicken-large-and-small-boxes-because-possible-bird-flu-health . . .
. . . AVIAN INFLUENZA, HUMAN - USA (13): (OHIO, CALIFORNIA) CDC UPDATE. ****************************************************************. A ProMED-mail post. www.promedmail.org. ProMED-mail is a program of the. International Society for Infectious Diseases. www.isid.org . Date: Thu 20 Mar 2025 . Source: CIDRAP (Center for Infectious Disease Research & Policy). [abridged, edited] .
Statens Serum Institut
Nu daler tallene efter en vinter med udbredt smitte. Statens Serum Institut (SSI) vurderer, at influenzasæsonen går mod sin afslutning, men advarer mod at slippe forsigtigheden for tidligt.
. . . AVIAN INFLUENZA (82): JAPAN, HPAI H5N1, POULTRY, WOAH. *****************************************************. A ProMED-mail post. www.promedmail.org. ProMED-mail is a program of the. International Society for Infectious Diseases. www.isid.org . Date: Mon 17 Mar 2025 . Source: WOAH-WAHIS (World Animal Health Information System) [edited] . wahis.woah.org/#/in-review/5966?reportId=173081 . . . Japan - High pathogenicity avian influenza viruses (poultry) (Inf.
. . . AVIAN INFLUENZA (81): USA, CANADA (PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND) POULTRY,. DAIRY CATTLE, CAT, GEESE, H5N1, H5N5, H7N9. ************************************************************************************************************. A ProMED-mail post. www.promedmail.org. ProMED-mail is a program of the. International Society for Infectious Diseases. www.isid.org . In this posting: . USA . [1] Multiple states . [2] Arizona: cattle . [3] New York (New York City): cats .
. . . AVIAN INFLUENZA (80): TOGO (CENTRALE) POULTRY, H5N1, WOAH. *********************************************************. A ProMED-mail post. www.promedmail.org. ProMED-mail is a program of the. International Society for Infectious Diseases. www.isid.org . Date: Sat 15 Mar 2025 . Source: WOAH-WAHIS (World Animal Health Information System) [edited] . wahis.woah.org/#/in-review/6342 . . . Togo - High pathogenicity avian influenza viruses (poultry) (Inf.
. . . AVIAN INFLUENZA (79): TAIWAN (TAIPEI) HPAI H5N1, WILD BIRD, POULTRY,. WOAH. *************************************************************************. A ProMED-mail post. www.promedmail.org. ProMED-mail is a program of the. International Society for Infectious Diseases. www.isid.org . [1] . Date: Fri 14 Mar 2025 . Source: WOAH-WAHIS (World Animal Health Information System) [edited] . wahis.woah.org/#/in-review/6052?fromPage=event-dashboard-url . . .
. . . AVIAN INFLUENZA, HUMAN - USA (12): RISK OF AGED UNPASTEURIZED MILK. CHEESE. *************************************************************************. A ProMED-mail post. www.promedmail.org. ProMED-mail is a program of the. International Society for Infectious Diseases. www.isid.org . Date: Fri 14 Mar 2025 . Source: Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP). [edited] .
. . . AVIAN INFLUENZA (78): SOUTH KOREA (GYEONGSANGNAM-DO ) WILD BIRD, H5. *******************************************************************. A ProMED-mail post. www.promedmail.org. ProMED-mail is a program of the. International Society for Infectious Diseases. www.isid.org . Date: Sat 15 Mar 2025 . Source: Yonhap News Agency [in Korean, machine trans., edited] . www.yna.co.kr/view/AKR20250316000900052 . . .
. . . AVIAN INFLUENZA (77): INDIA (BIHAR) POULTRY, H5N1. *************************************************. A ProMED-mail post. www.promedmail.org. ProMED-mail is a program of the. International Society for Infectious Diseases. www.isid.org . Date: Mon 12 Mar 2025 04:13 IST . Source: Down to Earth [edited] . www.downtoearth.org.in/health/bird-flu-spreads-in-bihar . . . Bihar is on alert with cases of [avian influenza] being confirmed in.
. . . AVIAN INFLUENZA (76): INDIA (JHARKHAND) POULTRY, H5N1. *****************************************************. A ProMED-mail post. www.promedmail.org. ProMED-mail is a program of the. International Society for Infectious Diseases. www.isid.org . Date: Sun 9 Mar 2025 14:43 IST . Source: The Hindu [edited] . www.thehindu.com/news/national/jharkhand/after-jharkhands-ranchi-bird-flu-outbreak-reported-in-bokaro/article69309333.ece . . .
Medscape Infectious Diseases
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Thursday made recommendations to vaccine manufacturers for the virus strains to be used in influenza vaccines for the 2025-2026 flu. . Reuters Health Information
. . . INFLUENZA - LEBANON: H1N1, INCREASING INCIDENCE. ***********************************************. A ProMED-mail post. www.promedmail.org. ProMED-mail is a program of the. International Society for Infectious Diseases. www.isid.org . Date: Tue 11 Mar 2025 18:00 EET . Source: Kataeb [in Arabic, summ. & trans. Mod.MM, edited] . kataeb.org/articles/sl-191321 . . . The past few days have witnessed an increase in the number of patients.
. . . AVIAN INFLUENZA (75): USA (OHIO, KANSAS, MICHIGAN) POULTRY, CAT, RAW. MEAT/UNPASTEURIZED MILK. ********************************************************************************************. A ProMED-mail post. www.promedmail.org. ProMED-mail is a program of the. International Society for Infectious Diseases. www.isid.org . In this post: . [1] Ohio (Portage County): chickens, geese, ducks . [2] Kansas (Pottawatomie County): cats .

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