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Søgning på udtrykket 'varicella' giver 33 resultater

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Omhandler biologiske og målrettede syntetiske lægemidler (BMSL) til patienter i forhold til risiko for tuberkulose (TB), Humant Papillom Virus (HPV), Hepatitis B og C (HBV og HCV), Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV), Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV), Cytomegalovirus (CMV), Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) og Humant Immundefekt Virus (HIV) og øvrige infektioner. Vejledningen er udarbejdet af repræsentanter fra Dansk Selskab for Gastroenterologi og Hepatologi (DSGH), Dansk Reumatologisk Selskab (DRS), Dansk Dermatologisk Se.

Udgiver: Dansk Selskab for Infektionsmedicin 2018

Udarbejdet af en arbejdsgrupper bestående af medlemmer fra Dansk Selskab for Infektionsmedicin og Dansk Transplantationsselskab

Nyt fra tidsskrifterne [+20]

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Journal of Medical Virology
Journal of Medical Virology, Volume 97, Issue 1, January 2025.
Journal of Medical Virology
Journal of Medical Virology, Volume 97, Issue 1, January 2025.
Journal of Medical Virology
Journal of Medical Virology, Volume 96, Issue 11, November 2024.
Journal of Medical Virology
Journal of Medical Virology, Volume 96, Issue 11, November 2024.
BMC Infectious Diseases
. Abstract. . Background. Routine childhood immunization against varicella-zoster virus has led to a dramatic reduction in the incidence of primary varicella. However, there are rare, yet significant cases reported of reactivated Oka-strain varicella, primarily in immunocompromised hosts. . . . Case presentation.
Clinical Microbiology and Infection
Han et al. [1] raised several concerns regarding our recently published article, ‘Heightened incidence of adverse events associated with a live attenuated varicella vaccine strain that lacks critical genetic polymorphisms in ORF62’ [2]. We welcome and appreciate that Han and colleagues discussed the issues surrounding their vaccine in response to our report.
Clinical Microbiology and Infection
We read the recent article by Kim YJ et al. with great interest (1). However, several aspects and concerns regarding the study’s methodology require further considerations. First, the representativeness of the cases analysed is questionable. Serum samples were collected from 27 children under 12 years old at two selected investigational sites, which limits the data's generalizability to a national scale.
BMC Infectious Diseases
. . Abstract. To assess the safety of varicella vaccine (VarV) by conducting post-marketing surveillance on adverse events following immunization (AEFI) in Jiangsu Province, China. . . . Methods. We utilized the AEFI Information System of mainland China to monitor and categorize adverse reactions associated with VarV. . .
Clinical Microbiology and Infection
This study aimed to identify the specific vaccine strain associated with herpes zoster in children following a series of diagnosed cases and to explore whether differences in single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) among various vaccine strains are linked to an increased incidence of herpes zoster after vaccination.
PLoS One Infectious Diseases
…e Joh, Selma Osman, Todd Hatchette, Shelley L. Deeks, Sarah E. Wilson, Stephanie L. Hughes, Scott A. Halperin, Sarah A. Buchan, Brian J. Ward, Jonathan Gubbay, Marc Brisson, Bouchra Serhir, Alberto Severini, Shelly Bolotin . Introduction The incidence of varicella in Canada has decreased by almost 99% since vaccination was introduced.
Journal of Medical Virology
Journal of Medical Virology, Volume 96, Issue 7, July 2024.
BMC Infectious Diseases
. Abstract. . Background. Hemorrhagic varicella (HV) is a particular form of chicken pox.,with high mortality in adults. This form of the disease is rare, to date, approximately 4 cases have been reported. Occasional cases of HV have been documented in adults with hematologic disorders or other diseases.
Journal of Medical Virology
Journal of Medical Virology, Volume 96, Issue 6, June 2024.
Lancet Infectious Diseases
The three dose groups of the candidate v7D vaccine exhibit similar humoral immunogenicity to the vOka vaccine and are well tolerated. These findings encourage further investigations on two-dose vaccination schedules, efficacy, and the potential safety benefit of v7D vaccine in the future.
Clinical Microbiology and Infection
To characterize differences between Herpes Simplex Virus and Varicella-Zoster Virus encephalitis (HSVE and VZVE) and other aetiologies of infectious encephalitis (IE), and to investigate the impact of time-to-aciclovir (ACV) start, ACV dose and duration on outcome.
Journal of the American Medical Association
…st in the Diagnosis section. Indeed, this technique described in 1947 by Arnault Tzanck is a neglected, but rapid, reliable, and cost-effective bedside technique to establish the diagnosis of acantholytic dermatoses, such as herpes simplex virus (HSV) and varicella zoster virus infections. Gentle scraping of the base of vesiculobullous lesions (incised if intact or stripped of their crust if ulcerated) with a scalpel allows for cytologic spreading on a glass slide, air-drying, and quick Giemsa staining.
BMC Infectious Diseases
…rative renal insufficiency. After treatment with brivudine, the herpes was controlled, and neuralgia began to subside by day 3, with crust formation occurring by day 9. . . . Conclusions. Postoperative nerve injury and regeneration may influence varicella-zoster virus latency. This case indicates that brivudine is an effective treatment for herpes zoster in patients with chronic renal insufficiency. . .
Clinical Microbiology and Infection
Despite established antiviral therapy for herpes simplex (HSV), varicella zoster (VZV) and cytomegalovirus (CMV) encephalitis, outcome remains poor.

Aktuelle smitsomme sygdomme [10]

Aktuelle smitsomme sygdomme [10]
. . . VARICELLA - INDIA: (KERALA). ***************************. A ProMED-mail post. www.promedmail.org. ProMED-mail is a program of the. International Society for Infectious Diseases. www.isid.org . Date: Sat 8 Mar 2025 . Source: The Hindu [edited] . www.thehindu.com/news/national/kerala/chickenpox-surge-in-kerala-vaccination-vital-for-those-not-exposed-to-natural-infection-in-childhood-say-experts/article69306625.ece . . .
. . . VARICELLA - EGYPT: (GIZA) SCHOOLCHILDREN. ****************************************. A ProMED-mail post. www.promedmail.org. ProMED-mail is a program of the. International Society for Infectious Diseases. www.isid.org . Date: Thu 6 Mar 2025 16:52 EET . Source: Sada Elbalad [in Arabic, summ. & trans. Mod.MM, edited] . www.elbalad.news/6504810 . . . According to sources at the Ministry of Education and Technical.
. . . VARICELLA - VIET NAM: (HAI DUONG) PRIMARY SCHOOL. ************************************************. A ProMED-mail post. www.promedmail.org. ProMED-mail is a program of the. International Society for Infectious Diseases. www.isid.org . Date: Wed 5 Mar 2025 13:57 ICT . Source: Bao Hai Duong [edited] . baohaiduong.vn/en/xuat-hien-o-dich-thuy-dau-tai-mot-truong-hoc-o-tp-hai-duong-406611.html . . .
. . . VARICELLA - USA: (PENNSYLVANIA) COLLEGE CAMPUS CLUSTER. ******************************************************. A ProMED-mail post. www.promedmail.org. ProMED-mail is a program of the. International Society for Infectious Diseases. www.isid.org . Date: Tue 4 Mar 2025 07:34 EST . Source: Trib Live [edited] . triblive.com/local/regional/penn-state-reports-chicken-pox-outbreak-at-state-college/ . . .
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR)
This report describes an outbreak of varicella cases in people staying at New York City shelters and residential facilities who recently arrived in New York City from Central or South America.
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR)
This report describes expanded laboratory testing for varicella by the Minnesota Department of Health.
…ng of the protective layers around the brain. and spinal cord. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), it. is caused by infections from viruses, bacteria, or fungi. The mildest. form is viral meningitis, often caused by enteroviruses, mumps, or. varicella-zoster viruses. . As per media reports, Dr Rajeev Jayadevan, convenor of the Indian. Medical Association Research Cell, explained that viral meningitis is. less severe than bacterial meningitis. .
…heir vaccinations or are otherwise immune, she said. . Two doses of the measles vaccine are recommended for anyone born in or. after 1970. In Canada, the vaccine is only available in the. measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine and the. measles-mumps-rubella-varicella (MMRV) vaccine. . 'If someone has been exposed and is immunocompromised, not immune, or. was accompanied by an unvaccinated infant, we'd ask that they call us. at MLHU so we can assess whether they're eligible for post-exposure.
Eurosurveillance latest updates
…pandemic control measures were lifted in 2022, many infectious diseases re-emerged. An increase in invasive group A streptococcal (iGAS) infections among adults and young children was reported by several countries. Viral infections including influenza and varicella, known risk factors for iGAS infection, also increased. . . Aim.
Medscape Infectious Diseases
Clinical diagnosis continues to be the primary method for diagnosing varicella, but only about half of clinically diagnosed cases were positive for the VZV in a new study. . MDedge News

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