Søgning på udtrykket 'aspleni' giver 18 resultater

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Dokumenter [2]

Rekommandationer for profylakse og vaccination ved aspleni. Denne vejledning dækker anbefalinger omhandlende vaccinationer, antibiotika profylakse og patientinformation om generelle forholdsregler for at beskytte personer med aspleni mod infektioner. Version 1.2, 22.10.2024. Ændringer siden version 1.1: Vaccination mod Haemophilus influenzae ændret til 1 dosis (fejlagtigt angivet 3 doser). Menveo beskytter efter 1 dosis (fejlagtigt angivet som nødvendigt med 2. dosis efter 2-3 mdr). Link til bila…

Rekommandationer for profylakse og vaccination ved aspleni. Denne vejledning dækker anbefalinger omhandlende vaccinationer, antibiotika profylakse og patientinformation om generelle forholdsregler for at beskytte personer med aspleni mod infektioner. Version 1.1, 11.06.2024. Ændringer siden version 1: Apexxnar er ændret til Prevenar 20 (og PCV13 til Prevenar 13). Prevenar 20 kan gives allerede fra 6 måneders alderen, hvorfor denne erstatter primær vaccination med PCV13 og PPV23. Erythrocyt morfologi…

Sider [2]

Risikoen for bakteriel infektion og sepsis er svært forhøjet ved manglende miltfunktion som følge af splenektomi samt kongenit eller funktionel aspleni. Alvorlige infektioner skyldes primært Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae og Neisseria meningitidis. Risikoen for svær infektion ved malaria og dyrebid er også markant forhøjet. Vaccination, antibiotika profylakse/tidlig behandling og adækvat patient information er afgørende for forebyggelse af infektioner. Antibiotika behandlin…

… CVID behandling, CVID udredning og opfølgning, Sekundær immundefekt: Søren Jensen-Fangel (tovholder), Christian Philip Fischer, Marie Helleberg, Jannik Helweg-Larsen, Lykke Larsen, Daria Podlekareva, Line Dahlerup Rasmussen, Pernille Ravn Aspleni, Vaccination af voksne kandidater og recipienter til solid organtransplantation, TNF-alfa screening: Pernille Ravn (tovholder) og Jan Gerstoft Screening, profylakse og information før behandling med anti-TNF-alfa (2011), Tjekliste …

Nyt fra tidsskrifterne [14]

BMC Infectious Diseases
…umococcal pneumonia (PP) is a serious infection caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus), with a wide spectrum of clinical manifestations. The aim of this study was to analyze the comorbidity factors that influenced the mortality in patients with asplenia according to PP. . . . Methods. Discharge reports from the Spanish Minimum Basic Data Set (MBDS) was used to retrospectively analyze patients with asplenia and PP…
. Abstract. . Purpose. To determine whether a novel intervention improves the adherence to guideline-based preventive measures in asplenic patients at risk of post-splenectomy sepsis (PSS). . . . Methods. We used a prospective controlled, two-armed historical control group design to compare a novel, health action process approach (HAPA)-based telephonic int…
. Abstract. . Purpose. To determine whether a novel intervention improves the adherence to guideline-based preventive measures in asplenic patients at risk of post-splenectomy sepsis (PSS). . . . Methods. We used a prospective controlled, two-armed historical control group design to compare a novel, health action process approach (HAPA)-based telephonic int…
BMJ Open
. Objective. To explore patients’ with asplenia and general practitioners’ (GPs) (1) perceptions of a novel, Health Action Process Approach (HAPA)-based, educational intervention which targets to increase adherence to post-splenectomy sepsis (PSS) prevention measures and (2) their experience in implementing prevention measures following this intervention. Design. A process evaluation conducted on average 3.5 (for patients) and 3.8 (for GPs) months after the intervention between January 2020 and …
BMC Infectious Diseases
…a history of splenectomy. . . Case presentation. Here, we report a fatal case of WFS due to C. canimorsus bacteremia and mycetal superinfection in a 61-year-old female asplenic patient. Despite extensive therapy including mechanical ventilation, antibiotic coverage with meropenem, systemic corticosteroids medication, vasopressor therapy, continuous renal replacement therapy, therapeutic plasma exchange, multiple transfus…
Current Opinion in Infectious Diseases
… management of babesiosis in immunocompromised hosts. Recent findings . The epidemiology of babesiosis is affected by climate change leading to increasing numbers of cases as well as increasing areas of endemicity. Immunosuppressed hosts, especially with asplenia or B-cell defects, are at high risk of having severe disease as well as persistent and relapsed infection. Resistance to the primary therapies azithromycin and atovaquone can develop leading to further challenges in treating persistent or relapsed…
BMC Infectious Diseases
…umococcal pneumonia (PP) is a serious infection caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus), with a wide spectrum of clinical manifestations. The aim of this study was to analyze the comorbidity factors that influenced the mortality in patients with asplenia according to PP. . . . Methods. Discharge reports from the Spanish Minimum Basic Data Set (MBDS) was used to retrospectively analyze patients with asplenia and PP…
. Abstract. . Purpose. To determine whether a novel intervention improves the adherence to guideline-based preventive measures in asplenic patients at risk of post-splenectomy sepsis (PSS). . . . Methods. We used a prospective controlled, two-armed historical control group design to compare a novel, health action process approach (HAPA)-based telephonic int…
. Abstract. . Purpose. To determine whether a novel intervention improves the adherence to guideline-based preventive measures in asplenic patients at risk of post-splenectomy sepsis (PSS). . . . Methods. We used a prospective controlled, two-armed historical control group design to compare a novel, health action process approach (HAPA)-based telephonic int…
BMJ Open
. Objective. Splenectomised/asplenic patients have a 10–50 fold higher risk than the general population of developing overwhelming postsplenectomy infection. To control this risk, these patients have to receive a specific immunisation schedule, before or in the 2 weeks after the surgical intervention. The study aims to estimate vaccine coverage (VC) for recommended vaccines among splenectomised patients in Apulia (South Italy), and to define the determinants of vaccination uptake in this population. …
BMJ Open
. Objective. To explore patients’ with asplenia and general practitioners’ (GPs) (1) perceptions of a novel, Health Action Process Approach (HAPA)-based, educational intervention which targets to increase adherence to post-splenectomy sepsis (PSS) prevention measures and (2) their experience in implementing prevention measures following this intervention. Design. A process evaluation conducted on average 3.5 (for patients) and 3.8 (for GPs) months after the intervention between January 2020 and …
BMC Infectious Diseases
…a history of splenectomy. . . Case presentation. Here, we report a fatal case of WFS due to C. canimorsus bacteremia and mycetal superinfection in a 61-year-old female asplenic patient. Despite extensive therapy including mechanical ventilation, antibiotic coverage with meropenem, systemic corticosteroids medication, vasopressor therapy, continuous renal replacement therapy, therapeutic plasma exchange, multiple transfus…
PLoS One Infectious Diseases
by Malte H. Wehmeyer, Harsha Sekhri, Raluca Wroblewski, Antonio Galante, Thomas Meyer, Ansgar W. Lohse, Julian Schulze zur Wiesch. Background Asplenia or functional hyposplenism are risk factors for severe infections, and vaccinations against encapsulated bacteria are advised. There are only limited data regarding the spleen function of cirrhotic patients. Methods We evaluated spleen function in patients with liver cirrhosis, who were prospectively enrolled in this study. Spleen function was evaluated by …
Clinical Microbiology and Infection
With greater advances in medicine, more patients with immunocompromising conditions are living longer (1). In parallel, patients with terminal diseases are being treated with immunosuppressive therapies to extend their lifespan and cure their underlying disease (2, 3). Overall, it is estimated that immunocompromised patients, such as those with asplenia, HIV infection, transplanted solid organs or hematopoietic cells, cancer, or autoimmune diseases, account for about 3% of the US population (4).

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