Søgning på udtrykket 'corona' giver 51 resultater

Dokumenter [7] Kalender [4] Nyt fra tidsskrifterne [+20] Aktuelle smitsomme sygdomme [+20]

Dokumenter [7]

Dette notat omfatter patienter med følger efter infektion med SARS-CoV-2. Aktuelt defineres vedvarende symptomer ≥4 uger efter infektionsstart som langvarige symptomer, og vedvarende symptomer ≥12 uger anses som senfølger efter COVID-19.

Ændringer siden sidste udgave: 1. Simplificering af risikogrupper. 2. Skærpelse af kriterier for opstart af behandling hos indlagte patienter, f.eks. blodgas analyse før remdesivir. 3. Information om høj pris på paxlovid og højere NNT for beskyttelse mod alvorligt forløb siden primærpublikation.

DSI anbefaler fortsat remdesivir ved indlæggelsekrævende COVID-19 med behov for tilskud af ilt, hvor iltmætningen i blodet er under 94% uden ilttilskud hos ellers lungeraske og, at hvor der ved røntgen af thorax påvises infiltrat(er). Dette holdningspapir omhandler baggrunden for anbefalingen.

Indlæg af formand Rikke Krogh-Madsen i Altinget om opgradering af det infektionsmedicinske speciale

Vurdering af behov for antivirale midler og effekt af SARS-CoV2 infektion i de risikogrupper, som ifølge gældende retningslinjer skal tilbydes behandling med lægemidlet.

Denne vejledning er tiltænkt diagnostik og behandling af COVID-19. Denne retningslinje vil løbende blive opdateret, som ny evidens kommer frem. Der er ikke foretaget en gradering af evidensniveau. Ændringer i denne udgave: Remdesivir står ikke længere som relativt kontraindiceret ved påvirket nyrefunktion.

Denne vejledning er tiltænkt diagnostik og behandling af COVID-19. Denne retningslinje vil løbende blive opdateret, som ny evidens kommer frem. Der er ikke foretaget en gradering af evidensniveau. Ændringer i denne udgave: 1. Et af Paxlovid kriterierne ændret (fra ”Betydelige symptomer på COVID-19” til ”Mild eller moderat COVID-19”). 2. Døde links til infektionshygiejniske retningslinjer er fjernet, og nyt er indsat. 3. Tekst om afisolation.

Kalender [4]

2. juni 2023, Auditorium 3 og 4, Hvidovre Hospital
12. september 2022, Novo Nordisk Fonden, Hellerup
2. juni 2022, Auditorium 93, Rigshospitalet

Nyt fra tidsskrifterne [+20]

Der er mere end 20 resultater, måske du vil se flere resultater her?
International Journal of Infectious Diseases
The Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is a novel coronavirus responsible for the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) global pandemic [1-3]. As the pandemic progressed, new, more transmissible but less virulent variants, like the Omicron variant, emerged and became more dominant, further reducing the mortality rate [4-8]. The World Health Organization (WHO) eventually declared that the COVID-19 pandemic no longer constitutes a public health emergency of international concern on May…
Clinical Infectious Diseases
Abstract . Background . Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) circulation dropped markedly early in the COVID-19 pandemic, followed by a resurgence with heightened case counts. The “immunity debt” hypothesis proposes that the RSV-naїve pediatric population increased during the period of low transmission. However, the evidence supporting this hypothesis is limited, and the role of changing testing practices in the perceived surge has not been comprehensively evaluated.Methods . We conducted a multicenter, r…
Journal of Infectious Diseases
To the Editor—We read with great interest the results of the analysis by Harteloh et al [1], who concluded that the death rate in The Netherlands from the 1918–1920 Spanish flu was more than twice as high as the death rate for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in 2020–2022 (ie, 214 vs 98 per 100 000 per year exposure). This is not surprising as the pathogen responsible for the Spanish flu pandemic (ie, influenza virus A/H1N1) was very aggressive, hit a nearly naive population with no prior immunity,…
Journal of Medical Virology
Journal of Medical Virology, Volume 96, Issue 4, April 2024.
Journal of Medical Virology
Journal of Medical Virology, Volume 96, Issue 4, April 2024.
Journal of Medical Virology
Journal of Medical Virology, Volume 96, Issue 4, April 2024.
Clinical Infectious Diseases
Abstract . Background . We aimed to evaluate the cardiac adverse events (AEs) in hospitalized patients with Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) receiving remdesivir plus standard of care (SoC) compared to SoC alone (control), as an association was noted in some cohort studies and disproportionality analyses of safety databases.Methods . This post-hoc safety analysis is based on data from the multicenter, randomized, open-label, controlled DisCoVeRy trial in hospitalized patients with COVID-19 (NCT04315948).…
BMJ Open
. Objective. The study examined the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic in India on variation in clinical features, management and in-hospital outcomes in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). . Design. Prospective registry-based observational study. . Setting. A tertiary care hospital in India participant in the American College of Cardiology CathPCI Registry. . Participants. 7089 successive patients who underwent PCI from April 2018 to March 2023 were enrolled (men 5627, women 14…
Emerg Microbes Infect
Volume 13, Issue 1, December 2024 .
Clinical Microbiology and Infection
Between 2016-19, the proportion of Escherichia coli bloodstream infection (BSI) with resistance to at least one antibiotic increased nationally. Public health interventions implemented in response to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic changed population contact patterns and healthcare systems, with consequent effects on epidemiological trends of numerous pathogens. We investigated the impact of COVID-19 restrictions on epidemiological trends of E. coli BSI antimicrobial resistance (AMR) across…
International Journal of Infectious Diseases
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), with over 769 million confirmed cases worldwide as of July 2023, 1is increasingly prevalent among children and adolescents. Children and adolescents are more likely to experience asymptomatic or milder forms of acute severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS‑CoV‑2) infection than adults. 2 The increasing number of infected children and adolescents raises concerns about the long-term impact of SARS-CoV-2 infection, known as post-COVID-19 condition (PPC).
BMJ Open
. Objectives. This meta-analysis aimed to explore the association between inflammatory factors, heart rate variability (HRV) and the coexistence of coronary heart disease (CHD) and depression. . Design. Systematic review and meta-analysis. Complying with the Meta-analysis Of Observational Studies in Epidemiology statement. . Data sources. We searched PubMed, Web of Science and EMBASE for the data from the inception date to 16 March 2023. . Eligibility criteria. We included cross-sectional and cohort stud…
Clinical Infectious Diseases
Abstract . Background . Immunocompromised patients (ICPs) have an increased risk for a severe and prolonged COVID-19. SARS-CoV-2 monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) were extensively used in these patients, but data from randomized trials that focus on ICPs are lacking. We evaluated the clinical and virological outcome of COVID-19 in ICPs treated with mAbs across SARS-CoV-2 variants.Methods . In this multicenter prospective cohort study, we enrolled B-cell– and/or T-cell–deficient patients treated with casirivi…
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Volume 121, Issue 10, March 2024.
BMC Infectious Diseases
. Abstract. . Background. People who have coronary artery disease are more likely to develop signs and symptoms of COVID-19 due to their special circumstances. Coronary artery bypass grafting surgery (CABG)does not cure the disease but reduces the signs and symptoms, therefore, there is a possibility of severe complications of Covid-19 after it. . . . Materials a…
BMC Infectious Diseases
. Abstract. . Background. People who have coronary artery disease are more likely to develop signs and symptoms of COVID-19 due to their special circumstances. Coronary artery bypass grafting surgery (CABG)does not cure the disease but reduces the signs and symptoms, therefore, there is a possibility of severe complications of Covid-19 after it. . . . Materials a…

Aktuelle smitsomme sygdomme [+20]

Der er mere end 20 resultater, måske du vil se flere resultater her?
Medscape Infectious Diseases
Evidence showing the SARS-CoV-2 virus directly infects coronary atherosclerotic plaques, causing a persistent inflammatory response, may lead to new approaches for managing patients after infection. . Medscape Medical News
Medscape Infectious Diseases
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is found in coronary arteries of patients who died of COVID-19. . Medscape Medical News
ECDC COVID-19 updates
This document provides an update on the safety of substances of human origin (SoHO) in relation to COVID-19. It reassesses the risk and proposes revised mitigation measures for preventing transmission through SoHO.
ECDC COVID-19 updates
This Reporting Protocol provides guidelines for data managers in reporting countries on how to prepare data for submission to TESSy, deadlines for reporting, subject-specific information (e.g. new changes to metadata), and links to further information.
Medscape Infectious Diseases
Long COVID may be an unusual response to previously encountered non-SARS-CoV-2 coronaviruses, researchers report. .
Medscape Infectious Diseases
Digital spatial transcriptomic profiling of coronary endothelial cells shows differential expression patterns for SARS-CoV-2 myocarditis. .
Medscape Infectious Diseases
Antigen levels could potentially be used to predict which patients may have a higher risk of more severe COVID-19, as well as who could benefit from certain treatments. .
Medscape Infectious Diseases
Jill Biden, 71, first tested positive for the coronavirus on August 16. She began a course of Paxlovid. She has been double-vaccinated and boosted twice. .
Medscape Infectious Diseases
"I applaud the sentiment that is long overdue," said Eric Topol, MD. "It is crucial that we get ahead of the virus, and the best way is to develop pan-betacoronavirus vaccines that are variant-proof." .
Statens Serum Institut
Fredag den 20. maj vil man kortvarigt ikke kunne se nye covid-19-prøvesvar i coronapasset. Men alle borgere kan se deres prøvesvar på sundhed.dk. Dette skyldes en større flytning af produktionsservere hos Statens Serum Institut.
Eurosurveillance latest updates
…-2 infection against symptomatic infection by BA.2 or other variants. . . Methods. Using 50% plaque reduction neutralisation tests (PRNT50), we assessed neutralising antibody titres to BA.2, wild type (WT) SARS-CoV-2 and other variants in Comirnaty or CoronaVac vaccinees, with or without prior WT-SARS-CoV-2 infection. Titres were also measured for non-vaccinees convalescing from a WT-SARS-CoV-2 infection. Neutralising antibodies in BA.2 and BA.1 breakthrough infections and in BA.2 infections affecting n…
Medscape Infectious Diseases
The legislation would have made public and private employers subject to a misdemeanor charge punishable by a $1,000 fine if they require vaccines as a condition of employment or service. .
Statens Serum Institut
Siden november sidste år kan op mod 70 procent af voksne danskere mellem 17 og 72 år have været smittet med SARS-CoV-2. Det viser resultater fra den nyeste runde af undersøgelsen af blod fra landets bloddonorer.
Medscape Infectious Diseases
The on-off nature of the pandemic "has led to a lot of the confusion and grumpiness," says one expert. .
Medscape Infectious Diseases
Vaccines that target multiple coronaviruses at once based on common elements are in the works to help dampen future pandemics. .
Medscape Infectious Diseases
"People want to live freely in Florida, without corporate masking creating a two-tier society and without overbearing isolation for children," DeSantis said in a statement. .
Eurosurveillance latest updates
The mRNA vaccine Comirnaty and the inactivated vaccine CoronaVac are both available in Hong Kong’s COVID-19 vaccination programme. We observed waning antibody levels in 850 fully vaccinated (at least 14 days passed after second dose) blood donors using ELISA and surrogate virus neutralisation test. The Comirnaty-vaccinated group’s (n = 593) antibody levels remained over the ELISA and sVNT positive cut-offs within the first 6 months. The CoronaVac-vaccinated group’s (n =&#…
Medscape Infectious Diseases
The coronavirus that causes COVID-19 can spread to the heart and brain within days of infection and can survive for months in organs, according to a new study by the National Institutes of Health. .
Medscape Infectious Diseases
A recent fourfold increase in pediatric hospital admissions began the week of December 5. The NY state health commissioner is urging parents to get kids 5 and older vaccinated and have them wear masks. .
Statens Serum Institut
På grund af de stærkt stigende smittetal ændrer Statens Serum Institut strategi for test af positive prøver med variant-PCR. Det betyder, at folk ikke længere kan få at vide, om de er smittet med omikron-varianten.


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