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Søgning på udtrykket 'hiv' giver 81 resultater

Dokumenter [21] Sider [7] Kalender [4] Nyt fra tidsskrifterne [+20] Aktuelle smitsomme sygdomme [+20]
Dokumenter [21]

Europæisk guideline om hvornår, der bør testes for HIV. Udgivet af "HIV in Europe", et paneuropæisk initiativ for tidligere diagnosticering og behandling af HIV. Kort version på dansk kan findes på www.eurotest.org/projects-collaborations/indicator-condition-guided-hiv-testinghides/guidance-hiv-indicator-conditions

Udarbejdet af arbejdsgruppe fra Dansk Selskab for Infektionsmedicin og Dansk Fertilitetsselskab.

Fællesregional retningslinje for udlevering af forebyggende medicin mod HIV (PrEP), udgivet af Danske Regioner.

Udarbejdet af arbejdsgruppe under Dansk Selskab for Infektionsmedicin

Udarbejdet af DSI's arbejdsgruppe vedrørende antiretroviral terapi

Om håndtering og opfølgning for at minimere risiko for smitte med bl.a. HIV, HBV og HCV.

…medicin i form af f.eks TNF-α hæmmere eller andre immunsupprimerende biologiske lægemidler, hvor der er øget risiko for tuberkulosereaktivering. Guideline dækker ikke børn, personer med medfødt immundefekt, HIV positive, patienter i dialyse, patienter med dysreguleret diabetes, silicose, erhvervede immundefekter eller patienter i konventionel kortvarig kemoterapi. Denne guideline omhandler ikke klassisk smitteopsporing blandt tuberkuloseeksponerede eller udredning på mistanke om aktiv tuberkulose.

…r (BMSL) til patienter i forhold til risiko for tuberkulose (TB), Humant Papillom Virus (HPV), Hepatitis B og C (HBV og HCV), Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV), Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV), Cytomegalovirus (CMV), Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) og Humant Immundefekt Virus (HIV) og øvrige infektioner. Vejledningen er udarbejdet af repræsentanter fra Dansk Selskab for Gastroenterologi og Hepatologi (DSGH), Dansk Reumatologisk Selskab (DRS), Dansk Dermatologisk Selskab (DDS) og Dansk Selskab for Infektionsmedicin (DSI).

Arrangeret af Yngre Infektionsmedicinere

Bl.a. om HIV, hepatitis, resistente bakterier og immundefekt

Bl.a. om HIV, hepatitis, influenza og CNS infektioner

Bl.a. om HIV, hepatitis, cystisk fibrose og nye guidelines

Correspondence regarding "Use of statins and risk of AIDS-defining and non-AIDS-defining malignancies among HIV-1 infected patients on antiretroviral therapy"

DANHIV blev oprettet som en regional klinisk kvalitetsdatabase i RegionH i sommeren 2015. Imidlertid har projektet fungeret som Det Danske HIV Kohorte Studie (DHK) siden 1998. DHK har fungeret som en kombineret kvalitetsdatabase og forskningsdatabase. Data i DHK går tilbage til 1. januar 1995, hvorfor vi allerede nu kan vise udviklingen over en lang årrække for de forskellige indikatorer.

Bl.a. om sygdom efter udlandsrejse, resistens og kroniske virale infektioner

Forfattet af DSI's arbejdsgruppe vedrørende antiviral behandling

Bilag til Retningslinjer for screening og profylakse før behandling med biologiske lægemidler (2023)

Sider [7]

…nter 1). Kort over Hvidovre Hospital: www.hvidovrehospital.dk/praktisk-information/transport/Documents/Kort%20over%20Hvidovre%20Hospital.pdf. Delkursusledere: Ole Søgård og Lene Ryom. Formål: At kursisten skal opnå en forståelse af HIV-infektionen, herunder viden om dens epidemiologi, patogenese, diagnose, forebyggelse, behandlingsmulighederne og prognose.

Formål: At kursisten skal opnå en forståelse af HIV-infektionen herunder viden om dens epidemiologi, patogenese, patofysiologi, diagnose, forebyggelse, behandlingsmuligheder og prognose samt viden om diagnostik og behandlingen af AIDS-definerende sygdomme og de hyppigste sexuelt overførte sygdomme. Tid og sted: Hvidovre Hospital. Lokale 10 i undervisningsbygningen. Delkursusledere: Ann-Brit Eg Hansen og Ole Kirk. Program: Mandag 3.

…me og biologisk terrorisme. Specialet er karakteriseret ved et sygdomspanorama hvor sygdommenes prævalens såvel som incidens ændres hurtigt på lokalt og globalt plan. Over de seneste tyve år har specialet udviklet sig til at håndtere behandlingen af HIV og AIDS. I de seneste år er nye alvorlige infektionssygdomme som SARS, fugleinfluenza, West Nile virus, Hanta virus, Nipah virus, og Hendra virus tilkommet.

…na Weis, Britta Tarp, Lone Mygind National Strategi for Hepatitis C (Sundhedsstyrelsen 2023), Kronisk viral hepatitis: Nina Weis (tovholder), Peer Brehm Christensen, Alex Lund Laursen Hepatitis B (2018), Hepatitis C (2022), HIV: Antiretroviral terapi: Jan Gerstoft (tovholder), Jens Lundgren, Henrik Nielsen, Alex Laursen, Niels Obel, Isik Somuncu, Gitte Kronborg, Ann-Brit Eg Hansen Antiviral behandling af hiv smittede personer (2024), Fertilitetsbehandling ved HIV og.

…giske infektioner og kronisk hepatitis: Dato for næste kursus 2026: Sted. Odense Universitetshospital Delkursusledelse. Lone Mygind, Micha Jepsen og Belinda Mössner Tidligere kurser. 4. og 5. december 2023 3. og 4. december 2020 HIV-infektion: Næste kursus. 30. og 31. oktober 2025 (2 dage): Sted. Aarhus Universitetshospital (AUH)  Delkursusledelse. Ole Schmeltz Søgaard og Lene Ryom Nielsen  Program. Afventer Tidligere kurser. 12. og 13. oktober 2022 7.

…me og biologisk terrorisme. Specialet er karakteriseret ved et sygdomspanorama hvor sygdommenes prævalens såvel som incidens ændres hurtigt på lokalt og globalt plan. Over de seneste tyve år har specialet udviklet sig til at håndtere behandlingen af HIV og AIDS. I de seneste år er nye alvorlige infektionssygdomme som SARS, fugleinfluenza, West Nile virus, Hanta virus, Nipah virus, og Hendra virus tilkommet.

…iklen summerer på en rimelig afbalanceret måde den globale kontrovers, som 2013 var præget af, om hvorvidt ART skal benyttes som forebyggende middel, som led i en individuel-baseret eller en folkesundsbaseret strategi for at reducere smittespredning af HIV.

Professor Henrik Nielsen kommenterer: Trods indiskutable fremskridt i den farmakologiske behandling af HIV/AIDS er der fortsat områder med plads til forbedring. Blandt patienter i kronisk behandling er HAND (HIV-associated neurocognitive disorder) et af disse eksempler.

Professor Jens Lundgren kommenterer: I 2014 var verden optaget af Ebola udbruddet i Vest Afrika – et udbrud der blev erkendt hurtigt (om end den internationale assistance lod vente på sig). Vedlagte artikel belyser detaljeret hvorledes HIV pandemien startede i 1920’erne og hvor det jo som bekendt tog over 60 år af finde ud at der overhovedet var et problem. Synes artiklen er godt skrevet og giver et indblik i Afrika for 90 års siden og de ingredienser der skulle til for at ud.

Professor Lars Østergaard kommenterer: Jeg vil gerne anbefale vedlagte artikel som julemånedslæsning. Grundene er som følger: 1) Det vises for første gang, at et medikament kan reaktivere latent HIV-virus under samtidig HAART-behandling i en grad, så virus kan påvises i perifert blod. 2) Der er (omend videnskaligt svage) indicier på, at HIV-reservoir kan reduceres hos nogle patienter, og at effekten af det innate immunforsvar er af betydning herfor.

Professor Jens Lundgren kommenterer: I 2015 nåede WHO sit mål om at få 15 million på behandling. START studiet afklarede også at alle HIV+ personer har gavn af at starte på HIV behandling. Der er fortsat mere end 20 millioner der endnu ikke er startet. Hovedparten bor i ressource svage lande hvor adgang til monitorering af HIV mængden er begrænset og behandlingsskift pga behandlingssvigt er derfor primært drevet af klinik og CD4 tals måling.

… dolutegravir, især når det kombineres med TAF fremfor tenofovir DF, forårsager markant vægtøgning. Især hos kvinder med mørk hudfarve. Artiklen gør indtryk af en række grunde:. Da dolutegravir blev markedsført havde det profilen som det eneste HIV præparat uden bivirkninger. Læring: der er ingen medicinske præparater der ikke har nogle bivirkninger, og typen af bivirkninger kan ikke altid forudsiges udfra markedsføringsstudier (fase I-III).

Professor Jens Lundgren kommenterer: Første lægemiddel mod SARS-CoV-2 udviklet fra ”bunden” – bruger et gammel trick fra HIV medicinen (ritonavir) for at holde plasma koncentrationerne oppe. Læringen er, at det tager tid at lave nye lægemidler helt fra bunden, men det er noget nær en verdensrekord så hurtigt som det skete under pandemien – både hvad angår vacciner (hvor det tog < 1 år fra design ex vivo til markedsføring), men altså ca 2 år for lægemidler som dette.

Professor Lars Østergaard kommenterer: Indimellem kommer der studier, som er så overbevisende, at det sætter en ny behandlingsstandard. Det kan f.eks.

Professor Troels Lillebæk kommenterer: Interessant systematisk review i AIDS om udbytte af screening for tuberkulose infektion (TBI) blandt personer, der lever med HIV (PLHIV) i tuberkulose lav-incidens lande (som Danmark) . Inddraget i alt 51 undersøgelser med 65.930 PLHIV hvoraf 12 % havde en positiv LTBI-test, som var stærkt relateret til oprindelsesland og eksponering for TB ).

Kalender [4]
30. oktober, Aarhus Universitetshospital (AUH)
4. juni, Barcelona, Spanien
4. juni, Barcelona, Spanien
31. marts, Online
Nyt fra tidsskrifterne [+20]

Der er mere end 20 resultater, måske du vil se flere resultater her?

Clinical Infectious Diseases
…roviral therapies in treatment-naïve adults from the CoRIS Cohort who initiated ART with AIDS. Logistic regression models were used to estimate odds ratios (ORs) of association between initial regimen and achievement of viral suppression (VS), defined as HIV RNA 200 cells/mm3. Time to VS and the proportion of treatment discontinuations were also evaluated and compared; with all analyses conducted at weeks 24 and 48 after initiation of ART.Results .
Emerg Microbes Infect
Volume 14, Issue 1, December 2025 .
Emerg Microbes Infect
Volume 14, Issue 1, December 2025 .
BMC Infectious Diseases
. Background. This study aimed to investigate the global and nodal functional network alterations, abnormal connections of brain regions, and potential imaging biomarkers in virally suppressed people living with HIV (PLH) with asymptomatic neurocognitive impairment (ANI) using graph theory analysis. . Methods. The study included 64 men with ANI (mean age 32.45 years) and 64 healthy controls (HC) (mean age 31.31 years).
Clinical Infectious Diseases
Abstract . Background . Coinfections of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) impose a substantial global health burden. Patients with MTB infection face a heightened risk of progression to incident active TB, which preventive therapy can mitigate. Current testing methods often fail to identify individuals who subsequently develop incident active TB.Methods . We developed random forest models to predict incident active TB using patients’ medical data at HIV-1 diagnosis.
Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes
Background: . Partners of people living with HIV (PLHIV) at high risk of HIV acquisition are a target population who may benefit from innovative HIV testing strategies. We explored the effectiveness of the secondary distribution of HIVST kits by PLHIV enrolled in HIV care to catalyze testing and linkage to care. Methods: .
BMC Infectious Diseases
. Background. This study aimed to investigate the global and nodal functional network alterations, abnormal connections of brain regions, and potential imaging biomarkers in virally suppressed people living with HIV (PLH) with asymptomatic neurocognitive impairment (ANI) using graph theory analysis. . Methods. The study included 64 men with ANI (mean age 32.45 years) and 64 healthy controls (HC) (mean age 31.31 years).
Clinical Infectious Diseases
Abstract . Background . An urgent need exists for point-of-care diagnostics to detect tuberculosis (TB) among people with advanced human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) disease. The Fujifilm SILVAMP TB LAM (FujiLAM II) is a novel point-of-care assay that detects mycobacterial lipoarabinomannan (LAM) antigen in the urine to identify TB. We present a validation of the FujiLAM II assay on prospectively collected urine samples from outpatient adults with advanced HIV disease in Uganda.Methods .
BMJ Open
. Objectives. Older people living with HIV (PLWH) globally are experiencing a combination of both communicable and non-communicable disease (NCD) morbidities. Vascular contributions to cognitive impairment and dementia (VCID) can contribute to adverse ageing brain health. This study aimed to measure VCID and HIV-related factors and evaluate their association with cognitive performance. . Design. A cross-sectional study. . Setting. Five cities in the country of Georgia. . Participants.
Journal of Medical Virology
Journal of Medical Virology, Volume 97, Issue 3, March 2025.
Clinical Microbiology and Infection
The interaction between HIV and COVID-19 resulted in a syndemic that showed an excess burden of disease for people with HIV (PWH). Four years of the COVID-19 pandemic have raised many unsolved questions about the optimal care of COVID in PWH.
Science, Volume 387, Issue 6740, Page 1241-1242, March 2025.
…lent clinician, but that was the moment when I realised that I was missing out on making a larger impact on the population at large”, recalls Assistant Professor Aliasgar Esmail, Pulmonologist at the Groote Schuur Hospital and Deputy Head of the Centre for Lung Infection and Immunity at the University of Cape Town (UCT) Lung Institute in South Africa. As one of two recipients of the 2024 Stephen Lawn TB-HIV Research Leadership Prize, Esmail felt “so overwhelmed and humbled” to have received the award.
“I think what I've really wanted to do since I was a teenager was work on HIV and TB, and conditions that affected people who were disproportionately poor and vulnerable. And research was a nice way into that, but—the purpose of what the research was for, that came before the methods, was justice and solidarity, and a conviction that everybody matters. That was really, genuinely important.
PLoS One Infectious Diseases
by Richard Muhindo, Rachel King, Whitney Irie, Andrew Mujugira, Edith Nakku-Joloba, Stephen Okoboi, Patience Muwanguzi, Eva Laker Odongpiny, Nazarius Mbona Tumwesigye, Barbara Castelnuovo . Background. Sex workers of all genders have a high risk of HIV acquisition and are a priority population for HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP). We aimed to assess current oral PrEP use and associated factors among cisgender female sex workers (FSW) in two Ugandan cities. . Methods.
Background: . Limited systematic data exist on HF phenotypes in contemporary HIV care, and no prior multicenter studies have investigated physician-adjudicated phenotypes and etiologies of HF in PWH. Methods: . We adjudicated HF events and sub-phenotypes occurring between January 1, 2010 and December 31, 2021 at two large urban clinical centers within the CFAR Network of Integrated Clinical Systems (CNICS) cohort.
Objective: . People living with HIV (PLWH) have increased risk for worse pulmonary function and increased emphysema. HIV has been proposed as a risk factor for respiratory patient-reported outcomes (PROs). We assessed the association of HIV with respiratory symptoms, respiratory health status, and functional exercise capacity. Design: . Systematic review and meta-analysis. Methods: .
…valence of depressive symptoms and associated factors among reproductive-aged women participating in the Study of Treatment and Reproductive outcomes (STAR) cohort. Design: . Cross-sectional analysis. Methods: . We analyzed baseline data from women with HIV (WWH) and women without HIV (WwoH) but at risk for HIV enrolled in the STAR, a prospective observational cohort of reproductive-aged women in six Southern U.S. states.
Objectives: . To measure SARS-CoV-2 antibody seroprevalence within a cohort of adults living with HIV and correlate demographics with response rates to SARS CoV-2 vaccination. Design: . Initial vaccine trials for SARS CoV-2 did not examine efficacy in people with HIV. We undertook the SCAPE-HIV study from April 2021 to November 2022 to focus on vaccine response in this population to guide future vaccine scheduling. Methods: . Participants completed a retrospective questionnaire.
Aktuelle smitsomme sygdomme [+20]

Der er mere end 20 resultater, måske du vil se flere resultater her?

Medscape Infectious Diseases
There could be 2,000 new HIV infections a day across the world and a ten-fold increase in related deaths if funding frozen by the United States is not restored or replaced,. . Reuters Health Information
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR)
This report describes adolescent girls and young women with functional disabilities had who higher prevalence of experiencing sexual, physical and emotional violence.
Medscape Infectious Diseases
Doubling the dose of tuberculosis treatment did not drive up rates of depression and anxiety. . Medscape Medical News
Medscape Infectious Diseases
Visuospatial scores improved significantly with semaglutide compared with placebo. . Medscape Medical News
Medscape Infectious Diseases
The U.S. health department said on Tuesday it is reviewing the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's HIV prevention division for overlap with other agencies but no. . Reuters Health Information
Medscape Infectious Diseases
The Trump administration's decision to pause U.S. foreign aid has 'substantially disrupted' supply of HIV treatments in eight countries, which could soon run out of these. . Reuters Health Information
Medscape Infectious Diseases
Dolutegravir plus lamivudine shows comparable efficacy and safety with standard-of-care three-drug regimen in patients with HIV without preliminary drug resistance testing in a phase 4 trial. . Medscape Medical News
. . . HIV/AIDS - FIJI: INCREASED NUMBERS, DRUG USE, BLUETOOTHING. **********************************************************. A ProMED-mail post. www.promedmail.org. ProMED-mail is a program of the. International Society for Infectious Diseases. www.isid.org . Date: Fri 14 Mar 2025 . Source: Australian Broadcasting Corporation [edited] . www.abc.net.au/news/2025-03-14/hiv-fiji-pacific-drug-use-addiction-bluetoothing/105043402 . . .
Medscape Infectious Diseases
The health clinic where Alice Okwirry collects her HIV medication in Kenya's capital Nairobi has been rationing supplies of antiretrovirals to one-month refills since the. . Reuters Health Information
Medscape Infectious Diseases
The Trump administration's dismantling of the U.S. Agency for International Development has targeted a huge range of programs for cuts, from a few thousand dollars for an. . Reuters Health Information
Medscape Infectious Diseases
Some lifesaving health projects that had their U.S. funding contracts abruptly terminated last week have received letters reversing that decision, several of the groups told. . Reuters Health Information
. . . HIV/AIDS - INDIA: (MIZORAM) HIGHEST PREVALENCE RATE IN THE COUNTRY. ******************************************************************. A ProMED-mail post. www.promedmail.org. ProMED-mail is a program of the. International Society for Infectious Diseases. www.isid.org . Date: Thu 27 Feb 2025 16:53 IST . Source: Onlymyhealth [edited] . www.onlymyhealth.com/hiv-crisis-in-mizoram-state-with-the-highest-hiv-rate-in-india-report-12977826316 . . .
Medscape Infectious Diseases
A common CV risk factor calculator for patients with HIV underestimates risk for Black patients and women, while risk for those in low-income countries is overestimated. . Medscape Medical News
Eurosurveillance latest updates
. Background. Since 2009, European guidelines recommend individuals with hepatitis B virus (HBV) and HIV be tested for hepatitis D virus (HDV). . . Aim. To analyse HDV testing in individuals with HBV/HIV during routine practice in the Netherlands. . . Methods. We assessed data from the ATHENA cohort of people with HIV who were ever HBV surface antigen-positive, aged ≥ 18 years and attended one of 24 HIV treatment centres in the Netherlands during 2000–22.
Medscape Infectious Diseases
Doxycycline post-exposure significantly reduced the incidence of sexually transmitted infections among individuals using HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis. . Medscape Medical News
Medscape Infectious Diseases
South African lab technician Nozipho Mlotshwa was waiting for the test results for a potential HIV vaccine, which has eluded scientists for decades, when the order came from. . Reuters Health Information
Medscape Infectious Diseases
HIV transmission bursts accounted for almost three times more future transmission events than nonbursts and were more common among adolescents and gender minorities. . Medscape Medical News
Medscape Infectious Diseases
The country is facing challenges to support patients with HIV and those at risk following the Trump administration’s decision to freeze foreign aid for 90 days. . Medscape Medical News
Medscape Infectious Diseases
The U.S. State Department said on Saturday that the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) — the world's leading HIV initiative - was covered by a waiver for. . Reuters Health Information
Medscape Infectious Diseases
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other federal health agencies on Friday took down webpages with information on HIV statistics and other data to. . Reuters Health Information

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