Søgning på udtrykket 'hepatitis' giver 65 resultater
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Diagnostik, behandling og forebyggelse af infektion med hepatitis A virus (HAV)
Udarbejdet af arbejdsgruppe fra Dansk Selskab for Infektionsmedicin og Dansk Fertilitetsselskab.
National guideline udarbejdet af en arbejdsgruppe nedsat af medlemmer fra Dansk Selskab for Infektionsmedicin og medlemmer fra Dansk Selskab for Gastroenterologi og Hepatologi.
Version 9.
Udarbejdet af en arbejdsgruppe nedsat af Dansk Selskab for Infektionsmedicin og Dansk Selskab for Gastroenterologi og Hepatologi.
Omhandler biologiske og målrettede syntetiske lægemidler (BMSL) til patienter i forhold til risiko for tuberkulose (TB), Humant Papillom Virus (HPV), Hepatitis B og C (HBV og HCV), Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV), Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV), Cytomegalovirus (CMV), Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) og Humant Immundefekt Virus (HIV) og øvrige infektioner.
Vejledningen er udarbejdet af repræsentanter fra Dansk Selskab for Gastroenterologi og Hepatologi (DSGH), Dansk Reumatologisk Selskab (DRS), Dansk Dermatologisk Se
Udarbejdet af en arbejdsgrupper bestående af medlemmer fra Dansk Selskab for Infektionsmedicin og Dansk Transplantationsselskab
Om håndtering og opfølgning for at minimere risiko for smitte med bl.a. HIV, HBV og HCV.
Bl.a. om HIV, hepatitis, resistente bakterier og immundefekt
Bl.a. om HIV, hepatitis, influenza og CNS infektioner
Bl.a. om HIV, hepatitis, cystisk fibrose og nye guidelines
Bl.a. om hepatitis, emerging viruses og immundefekt
Bl.a. om sygdom efter udlandsrejse, resistens og kroniske virale infektioner
Bilag til Retningslinjer for screening og profylakse før behandling med biologiske lægemidler (2023)
Krogh-Madsen, Toke Barfod, Ulla Balslev, Hanne Arildsen, Lotte Ebdrup, Lars Toft Nielsen, Jon Holler
Gastrointestinale infektioner:
Karina Frahm Kirk (tovholder), Morten Helms, Merete Storgaard, Janne Fuglsang Hansen, Mike Zangenberg
Akut viral hepatitis:
Carsten Shade Larsen (tovholder) og Nina Weis.
Hepatitis A (2013),
Hepatitis elimination i Danmark:
Anne Øvrehus (tovholder), Peer Brehm Christensen, Nina Weis, Britta Tarp, Lone Mygind
National Strate
Aalborg Universitets Hospital
Jakob Bodilsen og Lars Omland
Tidligere kurser.
19. og 20. september 2024
9. og 10 september 2021
11. og 12. april 2018
Gastroenterologiske infektioner og kronisk hepatitis:
Dato for næste kursus
Odense Universitetshospital
Lone Mygind, Micha Jepsen og Belinda Mössner
Tidligere kurser.
4. og 5. december 2023
3. og 4. december 2020
Næste kursu
ogiske oversigter (slides).
www.natap.org/. National AIDS Treatment Advocacy Project ? en New York State non-profit NGO ledet af Jules Levin (som selv lever med Hiv og hepatitis). God side, hvis man mangler slides/figurer/tabeller fra studier præsenteret på senest afholdte konferencer kommer ofte med referat (inklusive Jules Levins fortolkning ud fra et patient/aktivist perspektiv).
www.clinicaloptions.com/HIV.aspx. Et andet website for opdateringer og sammendrag af konferencer (slides).
Professor Henrik Nielsen kommenterer: I disse år sker et paradigmeskift i behandlingen af kronisk hepatitis C virus infektionen. Mange direkte virkende lægemidler er i afprøvning og med lovende resultater. Snart er interferon-baseret terapi ikke absolut nødvendig, mens oral terapi af kort varighed synes indenfor rækkevidde. Samtidigt er bivirkninger ved de nye lægemidler hidtil beskrevet som milde og sjældne. Kombination af sofosbuvir og ledipasvir i samme tablet bliver muligvis den første effektive
Professor Nina Weis kommenterer: Kronisk hepatitis B, forårsaget af forekomst af hepatitis B virus i blodet i > 6 måneder, kan klinisk manifestere sig fra asymptomatisk til fibrose, cirrose og hepatocellulært carcinom.
Trods forekomst af en effektiv vaccine i mere end 40 år, lever 296 millioner mennesker globalt med kronisk hepatitis B, heraf estimerede 14.500 i Danmark. Aktuelt er eneste behandlingstilbud (ofte livslang) antiviral terapi.
Denne artikel gennemgår naturhistorien, kendte og nye biomark
4. juni, Barcelona, Spanien
4. juni, Barcelona, Spanien
Nyt fra tidsskrifterne [+20]
Der er mere end 20 resultater, måske du vil se flere resultater her?
Clinical Infectious Diseases
BMC Infectious Diseases
. Abstract. . Background. Hepatitis A remains a public health concern, particularly in areas with suboptimal sanitation. Introduced in Turkey's immunization schedule in 2011, the vaccine has improved immunity; however, gaps persist, especially in older, unvaccinated children. This study examines the seropositivity rates and antibody levels in children across different vaccination statuses and age groups, and to identify gaps
Emerg Microbes Infect
Volume 14, Issue 1, December 2025 .
Clinical Infectious Diseases
Abstract . Background . Chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection affects >1% of the U.S. population, higher among U.S. Veterans. Direct-acting antiviral (DAA) medications are effective for viral cure, termed sustained virologic response (SVR), but repeat viremia after SVR is recognized. Prior work has been limited by use of electronic medical record data. We aim to better understand repeat viremia in the DAA era through detailed chart review.Methods . We identified 1,129 individuals from Veteran's Health A
Journal of Infectious Diseases
Abstract . Background . The incidence of metabolic-associated steatotic liver disease in patients with chronic hepatitis B is increasing annually; however, the interaction between hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection and lipid metabolism remains unclear. This study attempted to clarify whether fatty acid metabolism regulation could alleviate mitochondrial dysfunction caused by HBV infection.Methods . Public gene set of human livers was analyzed, and a proteomic analysis on mouse livers was conducted to explore
American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
. . Journal Name: The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene Volume: 112 Issue: 1 Pages: 167-172. .
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Volume 122, Issue 1, January 2025. SignificanceThe hepatitis E virus (HEV)-encoded ORF3 protein is essential for HEV infection. However, the mechanism by which ORF3 regulates the formation of quasi-enveloped virions remains unclear. In this study, we report that HEV ORF3 can be self-.
Lancet Infectious Diseases
Despite the small sample size, our estimates provide evidence of effectiveness of a two-dose regimen against HEV genotype 1 during a protracted outbreak, supporting its use in similar contexts.
Journal of Infectious Diseases
Abstract . Background . Restriction factors are host cell proteins that play a role in limiting virus replication. They form part of the intrinsic immune system and function as a first line of defense against viral infections. Hepatitis B virus (HBV) does not escape this rule and TREX1, a host restriction enzyme acts as an antiviral factor, leading to the inhibition of the virus.Methods . TREX1-expressing constructs were generated and modified by site-directed mutagenesis. The location and activity of the d
PLoS One Infectious Diseases
by Patcharin Tepjanta, Thammakorn Saethang, Kazuhito Fujiyama, Ryo Misaki, Ingorn Kimkong . The 'a' determinant, a highly conformational region within the hepatitis B virus large surface protein (LHBs), is crucial for antibody neutralization and diagnostic assays. Mutations in this area can lead to conformational changes, resulting in vaccination failure, diagnostic evasion, and disease progression. The 'a' determinant of LHBs contains a conserved N-linked glycosylation site at N320, but the mechanisms of
Journal of Medical Virology
Journal of Medical Virology, Volume 97, Issue 1, January 2025.
BMC Infectious Diseases
. Abstract. The natural stages of chronic hepatitis B can be divided into four stages according to changes in virology, biochemistry, and pathology. However, there have been significant differences in the recommended stage criteria in the several major guidelines for chronic hepatitis B, especially regarding the immune tolerance phase. Inconsistent standards of indicators for different stages resulted in some problems, such as incorrect stage, uncertain stages and poo
Clinical Infectious Diseases
, P=.032), cirrhosis (11.3% vs 3.6%, P=.008), and hepatitis flare (28.2% vs 14.2%, P=.001) than HDV-uninfected PWH. In multivariate Cox analysis, HDV infection was associated with liver-related mortality (adjusted HR, 9.696; 95% CI, 1.284-73.222, P=.028). The risk of hepatocellular carcinoma was similar for HDV-infected and HDV-uninfected PWH.Conclusions . HBV-coinfected PWH remain at risk for HDV superinfection and HDV infection is associated with liver-related death in the era of tenofovir-containing ART.
PLoS One Infectious Diseases
by Sayamon Hongjaisee, Woottichai Khamduang, Nang Kham-Kjing, Nicole Ngo-Giang-Huong, Arunrat Tangmunkongvorakul . During the COVID-19 pandemic, sex workers (SW) were one of the vulnerable groups affected by lockdown measures. COVID-19 had also disrupted HIV/Sexually transmitted infection (STI) testing and treatment services for sex workers due to numerous restrictions in specialist medical care. This study aims to assess the seroprevalence of HIV, syphilis, HBV, and HCV and associated factors among SW as
BMC Infectious Diseases
. Abstract. . Background. Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection remains a major health challenge in Nigeria, with high prevalence rates among pregnant women. The prevalence of overt and occult hepatitis B infection (HBIOV and HBIOC) among pregnant women was investigated to understand the burden and associated risk factors in this population. . . . Methods.
New England Journal of Medicine
New England Journal of Medicine, Ahead of Print.
BMJ Open
. Objectives. This study aimed to explore the spatial and temporal distribution of hepatitis C and its influencing factors in Chongqing, providing a scientific basis for the relevant departments to formulate targeted preventive measures for the high prevalence of hepatitis C in the region and population. . Design. We collected data on hepatitis C cases in Chongqing (located in the southwest of China) from 2014 to 2020, and analysed the spatiotemporal heterogeneity of hepatitis C incidence in different popu
BMC Infectious Diseases
. Abstract. . Background. Hepatitis B virus related compensated cirrhosis generally has a favorable prognosis until decompensation occurs. Bacterial infections are prevalent in Hepatitis B virus related decompensated cirrhosis.Bacterial infection and decompensated hepatitis B cirrhosis are mutually reinforcing. And it also interacts with and promotes certain decompensation-related events. However, the impact of bacterial inf
Journal of Medical Virology
Journal of Medical Virology, Volume 96, Issue 12, December 2024.
Aktuelle smitsomme sygdomme [+20]
Der er mere end 20 resultater, måske du vil se flere resultater her?
. . .
HEPATITIS A - NETHERLANDS: FROZEN BLUEBERRIES, ALERT, RECALL. ************************************************************. A ProMED-mail post.
www.promedmail.org. ProMED-mail is a program of the. International Society for Infectious Diseases.
www.isid.org . Date: Tue 14 Jan 2025 . Source: NL Times [edited] .
nltimes.nl/2025/01/14/hundreds-hepatitis-infections-will-tied-blueberries-albert-heijn-recall . . . Hundreds of
hepatitis A infections will be tied to blue
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR)
This report describes an update to the recommendation for Hepatitis B vaccination in adults aged 19-59 years.
Eurosurveillance latest updates
. Background. Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is targeted for elimination as a public health threat by 2030. The World Health Organization goal for treatment uptake is ≥ 80% among cases diagnosed with an active HCV infection (RNA- or core antigen-positive), maintained for 2 years. . . Aim. To calculate treatment uptake, time from diagnosis to treatment start and complete treatment dispensation among notified cases of HCV infection in Norway. . . Method. We linked national data on notified case
Eurosurveillance latest updates
. Background. Recent hepatitis A virus outbreaks in Europe affecting men who have sex with men (MSM) and ongoing hepatitis B virus transmission among MSM underscore the ongoing need for viral hepatitis prevention in this population. . . Aim. To describe viral hepatitis knowledge and associated factors among MSM in the WHO European Region to inform targeted prevention. . . Methods. In the European MSM Internet Survey (EMIS-2017), basic knowledge was defined as correctly identifying at least 4 of 5 stat
Eurosurveillance latest updates
. Background. Hepatitis A and B vaccinations are recommended for men who have sex with men (MSM), given their increased risk of infection. However, data on vaccination programmes are scarce. . . Aim. To use information on vaccination recommendations and vaccine uptake among MSM in the WHO European Region to guide prevention. . . Methods. From a large pan-European MSM Internet Survey (EMIS-2017), we analysed data on self-reported hepatitis A and B vaccination status by age, education, financial coping,
Medscape Infectious Diseases
The rate of HCV reinfection was high in the immediate posttreatment period among individuals who injected drugs but decreased significantly over time. . Medscape Medical News
Eurosurveillance latest updates
. Background. Hepatitis E, a viral hepatitis caused mainly by the ingestion of raw or undercooked food, is not a notifiable disease in Spain. . . Aim. To analyse the temporal trends, epidemiological characteristics and factors associated with severe disease from hepatitis E hospitalisations in Spain from 1997 to 2019. . . Methods. Hospitalisation records were obtained from the Spanish National Hospital Discharge Database. Temporal trends and seasonality were analysed by Poisson regression in years 199
Medscape Infectious Diseases
The study highlighted that 57.7% of neonates in the case group had a diagnosis of neonatal abstinence syndrome compared to 10.0% in the control group. . Medscape Medical News
Medscape Infectious Diseases
The rules about whom to screen and vaccinate for hepatitis B are now more clinician-friendly. . The Curbsiders
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR)
This report describes progress toward eliminating hepatitis B and C in the country of Georgia.
Medscape Infectious Diseases
This requires sensitivity to stigmas and awareness of hepatitis B and C prevalence in local communities. . Medscape Medical News
Eurosurveillance latest updates
. Introduction. Obtaining epidemiological data on chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is essential to monitor progress towards the hepatitis C elimination targets. . . Aim. We aimed to estimate the prevalence of chronic HCV and the seroprevalence of HCV in the adult general population in Estonia. . . Methods. This cross-sectional study, conducted between 12 July and 6 December 2022, included anonymised residual sera collected prospectively from patients 18 years and older visiting a general prac
Eurosurveillance latest updates
. Introduction. A national study from 2006 to 2008 showed a high antibody prevalence of 3.2% against hepatitis C virus (HCV) in Romania, but more recent epidemiological data on hepatitis C prevalence are lacking. . . Aim. We aimed to estimate the current prevalence of HCV antibodies (anti-HCV) and chronic HCV infection in the general adult population in Romania, as a crucial element in monitoring progress towards eliminating hepatitis C. . . Methods. We used anonymised leftover sera from a SARS-CoV-2
Eurosurveillance latest updates
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR)
This report describes vaccination efforts to eliminate mother-to-child hepatitis B.
Eurosurveillance latest updates
. Background. People who use drugs (PWUD) are a key target population to reduce the burden of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. . . Aim. To assess risk factors and temporal trends of active HCV infection in PWUD in Madrid, Spain. . . Methods. We conducted a retrospective study between 2017 and 2023, including 2,264 PWUD visiting a mobile screening unit. Data about epidemiology, substance use and sexual risk behaviour were obtained through a 92-item questionnaire. HCV was detected by antibody test, fo
Eurosurveillance latest updates
. Background. Active follow-up of chronic hepatitis C notifications to promote linkage to care is a promising strategy to support elimination. . . Aim. This pilot study in Victoria, Australia, explored if the Department of Health could follow-up on hepatitis C cases through their diagnosing clinicians, to assess and support linkage to care and complete data missing from the notification. . . Methods. For notifications received between 1 September 2021 and 31 March 2022 of unspecified hepatitis C cases
Eurosurveillance latest updates
. Background. Awareness of transfusion-transmitted hepatitis E raised in recent years led to the mandatory testing of blood donations in some European countries for hepatitis E virus (HEV) RNA. However, little is known about the epidemiology of HEV infections. . . Aim. To and describe and analyse the epidemiology of HEV infections in blood donors in Germany. . . Methods. Data from routine testing of therapeutic blood products donated between January 2015 and December 2022 at the Uni.Blutspendedienst O
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR)
This report describes hepatitis C viral clearance proportions among people with hepatitis C by state.
Eurosurveillance latest updates
An outbreak of hepatitis A is ongoing in Portugal, with 71 confirmed cases from 7 October 2023 to 24 April 2024. Most cases are male, aged 18–44 years, with many identifying as men who have sex with men (MSM) and reported as suspected sexual transmission. Phylogenetic analysis identified the subgenotype IA, VRD 521–2016 strain, last observed in an MSM-associated multi-country outbreak in 2016 to 2018. We wish to alert colleagues in other countries to investigate potential similar spread. .