Søgning på udtrykket 'erysipelas' giver 3 resultater

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Sider [1]

…ngeret af kursister.  . Onsdag d. 28. oktober 2015, kl. 08.30-16.15. 08.30-08.45 Hvad lærte vi i går? / Lotte Ebdrup/Pernille Ravn. 08.45-09.00 Introduktion til pt. der præsenterer sig med feber og hudsymptomer / Pernille Ravn. 09.00-09.15 Erysipelas. Hvilken behandling er bedst? / Gruppe 5. 09.15-09.30 Strategi ved bid fra dyr / Gruppe 6. 09.30-09.45 Sammenfatning erysipelas / Pernille Ravn. 09.45-09.50 Strække ben pause. 09.50-10.00 Intro til MRSA. Præsentation af patientcase …

Nyt fra tidsskrifterne [2]

Abstract Background Erysipelas is a bacterial infection of the superficial layers of the skin usually caused by Group A Streptococci, often seen in clinical practice. Fungal infections of the feet and elderly age are some of the most significant risk factors for the infection. The aim of the study was to evaluate the frequency of fungal infections from different regions of the feet in patients with erysipelas. …
Abstract Background Erysipelas is a bacterial infection of the superficial layers of the skin usually caused by Group A Streptococci, often seen in clinical practice. Fungal infections of the feet and elderly age are some of the most significant risk factors for the infection. The aim of the study was to evaluate the frequency of fungal infections from different regions of the feet in patients with erysipelas. …


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