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Journal of Medical Virology
Journal of Medical Virology, Volume 97, Issue 2, February 2025.
Journal of Medical Virology
Journal of Medical Virology, Volume 96, Issue 10, October 2024.
Journal of Medical Virology
Journal of Medical Virology, Volume 96, Issue 10, October 2024.
PLoS One Infectious Diseases
by Nadja Alexandra Vielot, Ruthly François, Emilya Huseynova, Fredman González, Yaoska Reyes, Lester Gutierrez, Johan Nordgren, Christian Toval-Ruiz, Samuel Vilchez, Jan Vinjé, Sylvia Becker-Dreps, Filemon Bucardo .
BMC Infectious Diseases
. Abstract. . Purpose. Human adenoviruses (HAdVs) have always been suggested as one of the main causes of gastroenteritis in children. However, no comprehensive report on the global epidemiology of these viruses in pediatric gastroenteritis is available. . . . Methods.
Journal of Medical Virology
Journal of Medical Virology, Volume 96, Issue 4, April 2024.
American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
. . Journal Name: The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene Volume: 110 Issue: 4 Pages: 809-814. .
BMJ Open
. Objectives. To analyse, compare and present the 10-year diagnosis-specific antibiotic prescribing trends for paediatric inpatients at a non-teaching hospital (NTH) and a teaching hospital (TH) in India. . Design and setting. A prospective, observational study of antibiotic prescriptions in paediatric departments of two private-sector hospitals in central India. Inpatients were grouped into clinically confirmed infections, suspected infections and no infections. . Outcomes.
BMC Infectious Diseases
. Purpose. The aim of this study was to determine the epidemiology, incidence and genetic diversity of classic human astrovirus (HAstV) in inpatient children under 5 years of age for acute gastroenteritis (AGE). . Methods. A hospital-based surveillance study was conducted across Yunnan Province to investigate the incidence of HAstV among AGE patients.
Journal of Infectious Diseases
Abstract . Background . Noroviruses are the leading cause of acute gastroenteritis worldwide with GII.4 Sydney viruses responsible for the majority of infections until 2023.Methods . To study the evolutionary dynamics of GII.4 noroviruses in the US (2011–2023), we sequenced and analyzed 406 VP1 and 335 RdRp sequences submitted to CaliciNet.Results .
BMC Infectious Diseases
. Abstract. . Background. Norovirus (NoV) infection is a major pathogen causing acute gastroenteritis (AGE) across all age groups worldwide. In the past few years, there were some situations where non-GII.4 genotypes of NoV became predominant in Huzhou region.
BMC Infectious Diseases
. Abstract. . Background. Thermophilic Campylobacter species are important causes of human gastroenteritis and inappropriate use of antimicrobials has led to the emergence of antimicrobial resistance (AMR). In Rwanda, data is limited on the prevalence and AMR carriage rate of Campylobacter strains.
Clinical Microbiology and Infection
…stics. By detecting the genetic material of pathogens, the same approach can be used for bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungi. Advances in test development have enabled cartridge-based syndromic testing covering over 20 of the most common etiological agents, initially for respiratory tract infections and gastroenteritis. This approach has now been applied to neurological infections as well, with patients suspected of meningitis and encephalitis (ME) benefiting significantly from rapid diagnostic results.
Journal of Infectious Diseases
Abstract . Background . Enteric fever caused by Salmonella enterica serovars Typhi and Paratyphi A in addition to gastroenteritis and invasive disease, predominantly attributable to nontyphoidal Salmonella serovars Typhimurium and Enteritidis, are major causes of death and disability across the globe.
BMC Infectious Diseases
. Abstract. . Background. From June 13–16, 2022, a regional epidemiological department in Kazakhstan reported an increase in acute gastroenteritis cases among people who consumed food from a wedding at a restaurant. An investigation was initiated to determine factors associated with acute intestinal infection and prevent further illness. . . . Methods.
Journal of the American Medical Association
…sea, abdominal distension, vomiting, and gastroenteritis) and some patients discontinued the drug due to these gastrointestinal symptoms. Therefore, the suitability of tirzepatide for patients with preexisting gastrointestinal symptoms or conditions requires further investigation. Additionally, it is worth exploring whether certain medications that do not affect the efficacy of tirzepatide but can alleviate gastrointestinal symptoms could be used during the dose escalation period to improve patient comfort.
Clinical Infectious Diseases
Abstract . Background . To address antibiotic overuse, the Japanese government implemented a novel financial incentive policy in 2018. The policy enables eligible healthcare facilities to claim 800 JPY (≈5.7 USD) per case wherein a rationale to not prescribe antibiotics is offered to children aged
International Journal of Infectious Diseases
Acute gastroenteritis (AGE) is one of the leading causes of death in children under the age of 5 years. In this pediatric age group, noroviruses are estimated to cause 200 million annual AGE cases worldwide [1]. With widespread vaccination against rotavirus, norovirus has become the predominant cause of childhood AGE in several Latin American countries such as Peru [2].

Aktuelle smitsomme sygdomme [17]

Aktuelle smitsomme sygdomme [17]
. . . GASTROENTERITIS - PAKISTAN: (KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA) OUTBREAK. *********************************************************. A ProMED-mail post. www.promedmail.org. ProMED-mail is a program of the. International Society for Infectious Diseases. www.isid.org . Date: Sun 9 Mar 2025 . Source: The Express Tribune [edited] . tribune.com.pk/story/2533115/gastro-outbreak-hits-various-k-p-districts . . . The outbreak of gastroenteritis on an epidemic scale has been recorded.
. . . GASTROENTERITIS - HUNGARY: (PEST). *********************************. A ProMED-mail post. www.promedmail.org. ProMED-mail is a program of the. International Society for Infectious Diseases. www.isid.org . Date: Thu 13 Mar 2025 . Source: Daily News Hungary [edited] . dailynewshungary.com/600-fall-ill-pest-county-mysterious-disease/ . . . In Nagykoros, Hungary, a mysterious health incident has led to more.
. . . GASTROENTERITIS - INDONESIA: (BALI) TRAVELERS' DIARRHEA. *******************************************************. A ProMED-mail post. www.promedmail.org. ProMED-mail is a program of the. International Society for Infectious Diseases. www.isid.org . Date: Mon 3 Mar 2025 . Source: The Bali Sun [abridged, edited] . thebalisun.com/insurance-providers-confirm-shocking-rise-in-gastro-flu-claims-from-bali-tourists/ . . .
Medscape Infectious Diseases
Several gastroenteritis-causing infectious agents, including pro-inflammatory bacteria and SARS-CoV-2, were associated with increased odds of developing IBS and functional dyspepsia. . Medscape Medical News
…for the cow than 'being lazy to eat for a month'. ProMED would highly appreciate additional information about this. incident from knowledgeable sources. - Mod.ST . ProMED map:. Indonesia: promedmail.org/promed-post?place=8722890,184] . [See Also:. Gastroenteritis - Indonesia: (BA) travelers' diarrhea. promedmail.org/post/20250304.8722566 . 2018 . ---- . Foodborne illness - Indonesia: (JR) RFI. promedmail.org/post/20180530.5828843 . .
…y 2025] after visiting Kiichi, a. Japanese restaurant in Osaka Prefecture, or consuming contaminated. Japanese confectionery, including strawberry daifuku producedby. Kiyotsuki Co. Ltd in Yonago City. Recent reports indicate a rise in. cases of infectious gastroenteritis across Japan. . He emphasised the highly contagious nature of norovirus, which can be. transmitted through contaminated food or contact with infected. individuals and surfaces. Symptoms, including nausea, vomiting,.
…ates: promedmail.org/promed-post?place=8722609,106] . [See Also:. Norovirus - USA (02): (AL) Louisiana oyster. promedmail.org/post/20250209.8721970 . Norovirus - USA: (LA) oysters. promedmail.org/post/20250206.8721903 . 2024 . ---- . Gastroenteritis - USA: (FL) cruise ship, probable norovirus. promedmail.org/post/20240205.8714673 . Norovirus - USA (02): cruise ship. promedmail.org/post/20240118.8714315 . 2023 . ---- .
…l. Biochem. 2025;698:115750. doi: 10.1016/j.ab.2024.115750. . -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . Abstract . -------- . 'The norovirus (NoV), known for its high contagion rate, is the. leading cause of acute gastroenteritis. The development of a NoV. vaccine is hindered by significant antigenic variation, lack of. suitable models, unknown vaccine protection duration, limited human. challenge studies, complex performance patterns, and the absence of a.
…ail.org/promed-post?place=8722516,156. Egypt: promedmail.org/promed-post?place=8722516,55] . [See Also:. 2021 . ---- . E. coli EAEC - Japan: (ST) red seaweed salad, schools, 2020. promedmail.org/post/20211210.8700180 . 2017 . ---- . E. coli gastroenteritis - USA: (MS) restaurant, EPEC, EAEC. promedmail.org/post/20170115.4763624 . 2013 . ---- . E. coli EAEC - UK: pathogenicity analysis. promedmail.org/post/20130913.1939770 . 2011 . ---- . E.
…ness that has sickened more than. 100 people and killed 3 is being investigated in Italy. Four nursing. and residential care facilities (RSA) in the Florence area are. affected. They share the same cooking center. . From an initial analysis, 114 cases of gastroenteritis with diarrhea. and vomiting were found out of 173 guests. An epidemiological. investigation and preventive measures have been taken by the Toscana. centro Local Health Authority (AUSL). .
…/cmr.00075-14 . -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . Introduction . ------------ . 'Human norovirus, previously known as Norwalk virus, was first. identified in stool specimens collected during an outbreak of. gastroenteritis in Norwalk, OH, and was the first viral agent shown to. cause gastroenteritis. Illness due to this virus was initially. described in 1929 as 'winter vomiting disease' due to its seasonal.
…ical. Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, EIEC outbreaks are underreported. because of challenges with identification. The alert was raised when a. group of people who attended a rural wedding in March 2023 went to a. hospital in northeast Thailand with gastroenteritis. . Initially, 52 cases were identified, of which 14 were admitted to. hospital and 38 were in the community. Standard culture methods did. not identify a bacterial pathogen. However, 13 of 18 stool specimens.
…ous evening [24 Jan. 2025], according to the Taichung City government. . Lin Tzu-chieh, head of the Taichung Veterans General Hospital's. Emergency Medicine Department, where 13 of the individuals were. treated, said the patients showed symptoms of acute gastroenteritis,. including nausea and vomiting, with one individual suffering from. dehydration and weakness. . All 13 are now in stable condition, Lin said. Whether the illnesses. stemmed from food contamination remained to be determined by the.
…ing to. the 1st indications, the problem could have been caused by a sauce. ingested during a meal. . . Initial reports indicated that there were 37 people at the Marambio. Base, including military personnel and civilians, who were suffering. from acute gastroenteritis. Six of them were transferred to the. capital of Santa Cruz. The affected patients are between 28 and 34. years old and showed symptoms of dehydration and decompensation. caused, apparently, by the consumption of contaminated food.
…rus (SGLV; febrile. disease), Tǎchéng tick virus 1 (febrile disease), Tamdy virus, and. Yezo virus (YEZV; febrile disease). The most significant. orthonairovirus with veterinary importance is NSDV, which is also. tick-borne and causes lethal hemorrhagic gastroenteritis in small. ruminants in Africa and India. Another orthonairovirus of veterinary. importance is Soldado virus (SOLV), which causes lethal infections in. juvenile marine birds.' - Mod.TY . ProMED map:. Heilongjiang Province, China:.
Eurosurveillance latest updates
We report an increase in GII.17 norovirus outbreaks and sporadic infections of acute gastroenteritis in Austria, Germany, France, Ireland, the Netherlands, England and the United States during the 2023/24 season. A decrease in GII.4 coincided with GII.17 prevalence increasing to between 17% and 64% of all GII detections. Overall, 84% of the GII.17 strains clustered closely with strains first reported in Romania in 2021 and two new sub-lineages were identified.
Eurosurveillance latest updates
. Background. Giardia duodenalis is a major cause of gastroenteritis globally, and is the most common food- and waterborne parasitic infection in Europe. . . Aim. To describe the epidemiology of reported acute giardiasis cases in Germany and compare demographic and clinical characteristics between imported and autochthonous cases. . . Methods. We conducted a descriptive analysis of giardiasis cases that fulfilled the national case definition and were reported between January 2002 and December 2021.

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