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Søgning på udtrykket 'haemo' giver 44 resultater

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…ion ved aspleni. Denne vejledning dækker anbefalinger omhandlende vaccinationer, antibiotika profylakse og patientinformation om generelle forholdsregler for at beskytte personer med aspleni mod infektioner. Version 1.2, 22.10.2024. Ændringer siden version 1.1: Vaccination mod Haemophilus influenzae ændret til 1 dosis (fejlagtigt angivet 3 doser). Menveo beskytter efter 1 dosis (fejlagtigt angivet som nødvendigt med 2. dosis efter 2-3 mdr). Link til bilag om vaccinationer tilføjet i Quickguiden.

Udarbejdet af en arbejdsgrupper bestående af medlemmer fra Dansk Selskab for Infektionsmedicin og Dansk Transplantationsselskab

National retningslinje for håndtering af voksne patienter indlagt med pneumoni. Udarbejdet af repræsentanter for DSI, DLS og DSKM 2. udgave, 2025

Sider [1]

Risikoen for bakteriel infektion og sepsis er svært forhøjet ved manglende miltfunktion som følge af splenektomi samt kongenit eller funktionel aspleni. Alvorlige infektioner skyldes primært Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae og Neisseria meningitidis. Risikoen for svær infektion ved malaria og dyrebid er også markant forhøjet. Vaccination, antibiotika profylakse/tidlig behandling og adækvat patient information er afgørende for forebyggelse af infektioner.

Nyt fra tidsskrifterne [+20]

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BMJ Open
. Introduction. The cause of ischaemic stroke at a young age remains unknown in 30% of cases, highlighting the need to identify hidden causes and risk factors in young patients. Transient and chronic risk factors may interact with the inflammatory and haemostatic systems, potentially driving key mechanisms in the pathogenesis.
Clinical Infectious Diseases
…ited patients ≥18 years presenting to an STI clinic with GUD from Lilongwe, Malawi from November 2019 - April 2022. Lesion exudates were tested by darkfield microscopy (DFM) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for Treponema pallidum (TP), and by PCR for Haemophilus ducreyi (HD), herpes simplex virus (HSV) and Chlamydia trachomatis (CT).
Journal of Infectious Diseases
Abstract . We used statewide surveillance data to describe the epidemiology of invasive Haemophilus influenzae type a (Hia) disease in Alaska during 2018–2022. Of 52 cases identified, 39 (75%) occurred among Alaska Native children aged
Malaria Journal
. Background. Anaemia is a deleterious consequence of malaria, and its accurate diagnosis is crucial for effective management. However, laboratory methods for measuring haemoglobin (Hb) concentration, like the Coulter Counter and the Quantitative Buffy Coat® (QBC®), are costly and not widely accessible in resource-limited settings. The point-of-care HemoCue® test is a cheaper alternative and suitable in rural areas.
BMJ Open
. Background. The REpeated ASSEssment of SurvivorS (REASSESS) study will conduct long-term cognitive, functional and neuropsychiatric performance assessments to determine whether evacuation of spontaneous intracerebral haemorrhage (ICH) reduces the risk of later cognitive decline in the ageing brain. . Methods and analysis. This study will compare rates of cognitive decline under two treatment strategies for ICH.
BMJ Open
…ping anaemia, which can arise from various causes, including inappropriate feeding practices. However, few infants attend anaemia screening programmes due to poor cooperation and being time-consuming. This study evaluated the accuracy of noninvasive total haemoglobin (Hb) spot-check monitoring as part of anaemia screening in healthy infants, compared with the conventional laboratory method. . Design. A cross-sectional study was conducted using a consecutive sampling technique. . Setting.
BMC Infectious Diseases
. Abstract. . Background. Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever (CCHF) is a lethal acute viral zoonosis with a case fatality rate of 5–50%. Due to the potential of human-to human transmission of the disease, healthcare workers (HCWs) are at risk of occupational exposure to CCHF virus. Little is known about CCHF virus route of transmission and risks in Iranian HCWs.
BMC Infectious Diseases
. Abstract. . Background. Haemophilus influenzae is prevalent within the airways of persons with cystic fibrosis (pwCF). H. influenzae is often associated with pulmonary exacerbations (PEx) in pediatric cohorts, but in adults, studies have yielded conflicting reports around the impact(s) on clinical outcomes such as lung function decline.
PLoS One Infectious Diseases
…h rheumatoid arthritis, 7 with systemic lupus erythematosus) investigates the effects of HCQ on cardiovascular risk factors and arterial stiffness in patients with inflammatory disease. Blood lipids, blood pressure, blood glucose, glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) and arterial stiffness was assessed at initiation, after four weeks of treatment and after eight weeks of treatment with 200 mg HCQ daily. Results After four weeks of treatment with HCQ, total cholesterol had decreased from 5.4 mmol/L to 5.1 mmol/L (p
Journal of Infectious Diseases
Abstract . Background . Rising incidence of invasive beta-haemolytic streptococcal (iBHS) infections has prompted consideration of vaccination as a preventative strategy for at-risk populations. The benefits of a vaccine targeting Lancefield group A (Streptococcus pyogenes; Strep A) would increase if cross-species immunity against Lancefield groups C/G (Streptococcus dysgalactiae subspecies equisimilis; SDSE) and B (Streptococcus agalactiae; GBS) was demonstrated.Methods .
BMC Infectious Diseases
. Abstract. . Background. Haemophilus influenzae causes life-threatening invasive diseases such as septicaemia and meningitis. Reports on circulating H. influenzae causing invasive disease in lower-middle income settings, including Indonesia, are lacking. This study describes the serotype distributions and whole-genome sequence (WGS) data of H.
Malaria Journal
…o cause unacceptably high levels of disease and death despite increased global efforts and is still significant public health problem. African countries are disproportionately affected by malaria. The objective of this study was to describe a rare case of haemorrhagic stroke as a possible complication of malaria in a 26-year-old male patient. . . . Case presentation.
Clinical Microbiology Reviews
Clinical Microbiology Reviews, Ahead of Print.
. Abstract. . Introduction. Haemophilus influenzae (HI) is an exceedingly rare cause of infective endocarditis (IE). . . . Case Presentation/Methods. We present a case of a 90-year-old female diagnosed with HI-IE involving the native tricuspid valve in the absence of traditional risk factors for right-sided endocarditis.
BMJ Open
. Background. Anaemia is a severe and common complication in patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage (aSAH). Early intervention for at-risk patients before anaemia occurs is indicated as potentially beneficial, but no validated method synthesises patients’ complicated clinical features into an instrument. The purpose of the current study was to develop and externally validate a nomogram that predicted postacute phase anaemia after aSAH. . Methods.
Aktuelle smitsomme sygdomme [+20]

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Eurosurveillance latest updates
. Background. Staphylococcus haemolyticus (SH) is an opportunistic pathogen associated with nosocomial infections, particularly bacteraemia in neonates. Epidemiological trends and genetic diversity of these infections worldwide are largely unknown. . . Aim. To investigate an increase in SH vascular catheter-related bacteraemia in neonates and describe the molecular epidemiology in France between 2019 and 2023. . . Methods.
Medscape Infectious Diseases
A young woman’s repeated loss of consciousness is traced to severe anaemia caused by warm autoimmune haemolytic anaemia, a rare complication of respiratory syncytial virus. . Medscape News UK
Eurosurveillance latest updates
. Background. Crimean–Congo haemorrhagic fever (CCHF) is a severe illness characterised by fever, bleeding and high case-fatality rates. The disease is caused by CCHF virus (CCHFV), transmitted by ticks and infectious body fluids and tissues. . . Aim. After CCHF was diagnosed in three persons in 2023, we aimed to investigate the presence of antibodies against CCHFV in healthcare workers (HCW), sheep and goats, and of CCHFV in ticks, in an area in North Macedonia and characterise virus strains. . .
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR)
This report describes the Advisory Committe on Immunization Practices recommendation for use of Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) vaccine for American Indian and Alaska Native infants.
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR)
This report describes four cases of nontypeable Haemophilus disease that occurred at an elementary school in Detroit, Michigan.
… KFD virus'. (www.cdc.gov/kyasanur/about/index.html). . 'Kyasanur Forest disease (KFD) is a reemerging zoonotic disease. associated with sudden onset of high-grade fever, prostration, nausea,. vomiting, diarrhea, and occasionally neurological and haemorrhagic. manifestations'. (niv.icmr.org.in/images/pdf/newsletter/KFD_guidelines.pdf). . People who frequently visit forests, such as hunters, farmers, wood. cutters, or forest workers, are at high risk of acquiring the disease.
…s to respond to potential future outbreaks. WHO. and partners are procuring additional laboratory supplies and other. equipment for disease detection and surveillance and other critical. services. . . Marburg virus disease is highly virulent and causes haemorrhagic. fever. It belongs to the same family as the virus that causes Ebola. virus disease. Illness caused by Marburg virus begins abruptly. Patients present with high fever, severe headache and severe malaise.
…ies of southern and southeastern Brazil. A total of. 23/644 (3.6%) individuals of 10 Indigenous communities tested positive. to hemoplasmas by quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) (cycle. threshold; Ct ≤ 34.4), with 3/644 (0.5%) _Mycoplasma haemocanis_. detection. In addition, 91/416 (21.9%) dogs were positive to. hemoplasmas by qPCR, with 54/91 (59.3%) for _M. haemocanis_, 27/91. (29.7%) for Candidatus _Mycoplasma haematoparvum_, and 10/91 (11.0%). for both. Molecular diagnosis of _M.
…and gastrointestinal symptoms. . Specimens from 13 patients were tested at the National Institute of. Biomedical Research (INRB) in Kinshasa, all negative for Ebola and. Marburg viruses. 'Differential diagnosis under investigation include. malaria, viral haemorrhagic fever, food or water poisoning, typhoid. fever, and meningitis,' the WHO said. Both Ebola and Marburg viruses. produce hemorrhagic (bleeding-related) fevers. . The earlier unexplained outbreak was initially reported on January 21.
…eported in Ondo, Bauchi, Edo, Taraba, Kogi, Gombe, and Ebonyi. states. Three new healthcare workers were also affected. . The predominant age group affected is 21-30 years, while the. male-to-female ratio for confirmed cases is 1:0.8. . Lassa fever is a haemorrhagic viral illness caused by contact with. food or household items contaminated with rodent urine or faeces. . The virus is carried in multimammate rats (the common soft-furred. African rat where the female has 2 rows of breasts).
…nderlying immunodeficiency or respiratory co-infection. The. latter may be true due to the seasonal circulation of influenza. viruses. . The disease could be clinically suspected through its overall aspect. of high fever, toxic facies and a sub-cutaneous haemorrhagic rash that. rapidly spreads over time. - Mod.ST . ProMED map:. Vietnam: promedmail.org/promed-post?place=8722151,152] . [See Also:. 2024 . ---- . Meningococcal disease - Viet Nam: (HC) fatal.
… cases, Ondo reported 37 percent,. Edo 21 percent, and Bauchi 17 percent. . 'The predominant age group affected is 21-30 years (range: 1 to 94. years, median age: 32 years).' . . According to the World Health Organisation, Lassa fever is an acute. viral haemorrhagic illness caused by the Lassa virus, a member of the. arenavirus family of viruses. . Humans usually become infected with the Lassa virus through exposure. to food or household items contaminated with urine or faeces of.
…iated with extraintestinal. virulence. This research group, led by Stephane Bonacorsi, originally. reported this atypical organism in an adult associated with HUS with a. relapse associated with bacteremia (Mariani-Kurkdjian P, Lemaire C,. Bidet P, et al. Haemolytic-uraemic syndrome with bacteraemia caused by. a new hybrid _Escherichia coli_ pathotype. New Microbes New Infect. 2014;2(4):127-131. doi.org/10.1002/nmi2.49). . A good reference on EHEC might be: . Lutwick LI. Enterohemorrhagic _E.
…timately leads. to the failure of organs, including the liver, kidney and heart. Timely testing is critical to administer the right treatment, and late. referrals can turn fatal, sometimes even death. . While dengue only affects platelets, which leads to haemorrhage-like. complications, scrub typhus not only impacts platelets but also can. cause scrub myocarditis, hepatitis, coagulopathy, acute respiratory. distress syndrome, muscle damage and other illnesses that lead to. organ failure. .
… cases of Lassa fever with 2. fatalities and one currently undergoing treatment. Dr Shurkuk said the. 2 cases were discovered in Kanam local government and another reported. case in Shendam. . Leadership [News] reports that Lassa fever is an acute viral. haemorrhagic illness caused by Lassa virus. It is transmitted to. humans through exposed food and household items contaminated with. urine or faeces of infected rats. Lassa fever symptoms include.
…International Society for Infectious Diseases. www.isid.org . Date: Wed 29 Jan 2025 04:43 IST . Source: The Times of India (TOI), Times News Network (TNN) [edited] . timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/rajkot/jamnagar-man-dies-of-crimean-congo-haemorrhagic-fever/articleshow/117649612.cms . . . A 51-year-old resident of the Pancheshwar Tower area of Jamnagar. [district in Gujarat state] died on Monday [27 Jan 2025] from. Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever (CCHF). His sample had been sent to.
ECDC Communicable Disease Threats Report
This issue of the ECDC Communicable Disease Threats Report (CDTR) covers the period 24-31 January 2025, and includes updates on influenza A(H5N1), chikungunya, dengue, mpox, Marburg virus disease, suspected viral haemorrhagic fever in the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Ebola.
…sid.org . Date: Mon 27 Jan 2027 . Source: MC Press [in French, trans., edited] . www.congo-press.com/sante/equateur-plus-de-10-cas-suspects-debola-dont-8-deces-signales-dans-la-zone-de-sante-de-bolomba/ . . . At least 12 suspected cases of Ebola haemorrhagic fever have been. reported in the Boyenge health area incorporated into the Bolamba. health zone, located more than 250 km [155 mi] from the city of. Mbandaka, capital of the Equateur province. .
…ration to have 'finalised and also requested the support that. they need from Africa CDC'. . It comes a month after WHO declared the end of a 3-month Marburg. outbreak in neighbouring Rwanda which killed 15 people. . The virus causes a highly infectious haemorrhagic fever. It is. transmitted from fruit bats and belongs to the same family of viruses. as Ebola. With a fatality rate that can reach close to 90%, Marburg. fever is often accompanied by bleeding and organ failure. . -- . Communicated by: .
ECDC COVID-19 updates
This issue of the ECDC Communicable Disease Threats Report (CDTR) covers the period 7-13 December 2024 and includes updates on measles, chikungunya, dengue, avian influenza, mpox, West Nile virus, circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus type 2, hepatitis A, suspected viral haemorrhagic fever in Sierra Leone, an unknown disease in the Democratic Republic of Congo, and an overview of respiratory virus epidemiology in the EU/EEA.

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