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Søgning på udtrykket 'osteomyelitis' giver 26 resultater

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Denne udgave erstatter "guidelines for diagnostik og behandling af spondylodiscitis. 2018" Væsentlige ændringer siden sidste udgave: • Forsimpling af behandlingsvarighed til nu enten 6 eller 12 uger for hhv. ukompliceret eller kompliceret SD. • Tilføjelse af bilag 1-8 med anbefaling af antibiotisk anbefaling for hyppige SD udløsende bakterier • Udførlig beskrivelse af indikation for rifampicin • Anbefaling af PET/CT som 1.

Sider [3]

…l meningitis, Encephalitis, Lumbalpunktur af patienter i blodfortyndende behandling, Orthopox: Anders Koch (tovholder), Jan Gerstoft, Gitte Kronborg, Merete Storgaard, Michael Dalager-Pedersen, Thilde Fabricius, Lothar Wiese.

…  . 9.45 - 10.15. Velkomst og intro inkl præ-test. Michala Kehrer og Zahra Theilgaard. 10.15 - 11.00. Hud og bløddelsinfektion. Lotte Ebdrup. 11.00-11.45. NSTI + septisk artrit + Perifer osteomyelitis. Hans Gottlieb. 12.00-12.45. 1. Proteseinfektion 2. cases i forhold til alle ovenstående emner. Hans Gottlieb, Michala og Zahra. 12.45 - 13.30. Frokost. 13.30 - 14.15.

…: 2014 Update by the Infectious Diseases Society of America. Clin Infect Dis. 2014 Jul 15;59(2). Erratum in: Clin Infect Dis. 2015 May 1;60(9):1448. 5) Bernard L et al. Antibiotic treatment for 6 weeks versus 12 weeks in patients with pyogenic vertebral osteomyelitis: an open-label, non-inferiority, randomised, controlled trial. Lancet. 2015;385:875-82 (2 pdf-filer: orgininalartikel + appendix). 6) Zimmerli et al. Prosthetic-Joint Infections. NEJM 2004, 351;16:1645-54. 7) Berbari et al.

Nyt fra tidsskrifterne [+20]

Der er mere end 20 resultater, måske du vil se flere resultater her?

New England Journal of Medicine
New England Journal of Medicine, Volume 392, Issue 10, Page 1017-1017, March 6, 2025.
International Journal of Infectious Diseases
The management of diabetic foot osteomyelitis (DFO) requires a multidisciplinary approach, including pressure off-loading, glycemic control, microbiological assessment, surgical intervention, and culture-based antibiotic therapy [1–5]. The causative pathogens are often polymicrobial and influenced by patient characteristics, previous antibiotic therapy, orthopedic implants [6] and geographic associated epidemiology.
. Abstract. . Purpose. Patients with vertebral osteomyelitis (VO) and comorbidities, notably chronic kidney disease (CKD), are at risk of early mortality. The aim of this study was to compare characteristics and outcomes of VO patients with an underlying malignancy (ONCO) to VO patients with CKD and VO patients without comorbidities (CONTROL). . . . Methods.
BMC Infectious Diseases
. Abstract. . Background. Calcaneal osteomyelitis (CO) poses a formidable challenge in treatment due to the distinct anatomical structure and functional properties of the calcaneus.
BMC Infectious Diseases
… an opportunistic fungal pathogen associated with various skin diseases, including seborrheic dermatitis and dandruff. Typically, Malassezia infection in neonates manifests as fungemia or hematogenous dissemination to the bone or lungs. However, vertebral osteomyelitis caused by these fungi is rarely reported owing to non-specific clinical presentations and laboratory/imaging findings.
PLoS One Infectious Diseases
by Hiroko Yahara, Souichi Yanamoto, Miho Takahashi, Yuji Hamada, Takuya Asaka, Yoshimasa Kitagawa, Kuniyasu Moridera, Kazuma Noguchi, Yutaka Maruoka, Koji Yahara . Osteomyelitis of the jaw is a severe inflammatory disorder that affects bones, and it is categorized into two main types: chronic bacterial and nonbacterial osteomyelitis. Although previous studies have investigated the association between these diseases and the oral microbiome, the specific taxa associated with each disease remain unknown.
International Journal of Infectious Diseases
Vertebral osteomyelitis diagnosis and etiologic identification is best accomplished by surgical sampling or by image-guided core needle biopsy and/or aspiration to obtain tissue for histopathologic examination and microbiological cultures [1,2]. The identification and antimicrobial susceptibility data of a causative microorganism is crucial, as the current standard of care is to treat patients with at least 6 weeks of antimicrobials, along with surgical therapy whenever possible [3,4].
. Abstract. . Purpose. Since an increase in the occurrence of native vertebral osteomyelitis (VO) is expected and reliable projections are missing, it is urgent to provide a reliable forecast model and make it a part of future health care considerations. . . . Methods.
Journal of Infectious Diseases
…of local high-dose antibiotics.Methods . CarboCell formulations of levofloxacin or clindamycin with or without antimicrobial adjuvants cis-2-decenoic acid or cis-11-methyl-2-dodecenoic acid were tested in experimental rodent and porcine implant-associated osteomyelitis models. In the porcine models, debridement and treatment with CarboCell-formulated antibiotics was carried out without systemic antibiotic administration. The bacterial burden was determined by quantitative bacteriology.Results .
BMC Infectious Diseases
… The study found that the mean age of patients was 62.24 ± 11.44 years, with 62.2% being male. Otalgia and otorrhea were the most commonly reported symptoms, and mastoiditis was the most common radiological finding. Bone erosions and osteomyelitis were other important complications. Vascular complications were also observed in 7 patients.
Current Opinion in Infectious Diseases
…r antibiotic durations for SSTIs in patients with obesity, and it appears that longer antibiotic duration of therapy was associated with increased treatment failure. In diabetic foot infections (DFO), two randomized studies suggest that in the presence of osteomyelitis, the total duration of antibiotic therapy for patients treated nonsurgically does not need to be more than 6 weeks.
BMC Infectious Diseases
…ging (MRI) of the lumbar spine revealed osteomyelitis at L4 and L5 with L4/L5 discitis. Two blood culture sets were positive with the same pathogen, possibly C. youngae; The patient was then treated successfully with ceftazidime plus ciprofloxacin, the antibiotics were selected based on antibiotic susceptibility test results. This report suggests that C. youngae may cause severe infections in immunocompetent patients, and further surveillance should be considered to monitor antibiotic-resistant bacteria. .
BMC Infectious Diseases
… in patients hospitalized at a tertiary referral hospital between January 2020 and June 2023. Deep tissue specimens from ulcers were collected for culture. . Sixty inpatients were included (62% male, mean age 59.1 ± 11.5 years). Osteomyelitis was present in 90% of the patients. Among 102 microorganisms (average of 1.91 ± 1.25 pathogens per patient), 60.8% were gram-positive bacteria, 31.4% were gram-negative, 3.92% were anaerobic bacteria, and 3.92% were fungi.
. Abstract. . Purpose. It is unknown whether social distancing impacts frequency of presentation and severity of childhood bone and joint infection (BJI). In New Zealand, the COVID-19 disease elimination strategy involved strict social isolation policies spanning March 2020-September 2022. Examination of this period may provide insight around risk factors for BJI. . . .
BMC Infectious Diseases
…Ruthenibacterium lactatiformans, a Gram-stain-negative, rod-shaped, obligate anaerobic bacterium of the Oscillospiraceae family, has not been previously reported in human infections. This study reports the first case of bacteraemia and potential vertebral osteomyelitis caused by Ruthenibacterium lactatiformans. . . . Case presentation.

Aktuelle smitsomme sygdomme [2]

Aktuelle smitsomme sygdomme [2]
…d. no other clinical signs of sepsis. Extreme elevations in serum. fibrinogen concentration and other indicators of inflammation such as. low serum iron, elevated serum amyloid A, neutrophilia, and. hypergammaglobulinemia in a lame foal are suggestive of. osteomyelitis.' . . References . ---------- . 1. Waldridge BM, Stewart AJ, Taylor DC, Saville WJ. The Incidence of. Aeromonas Species in the Feces of Nondiarrheic Horses. J Eq Vet. Sci2011;31(12): 700-702. doi.org/10.1016/j.jevs.2011.05.004 . 2.
…as 39-40 deg. [102 to 104 deg F], which can last for more than 15 days, accompanied. by symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and severe headache. Chronic Q. fever can last for several months or longer, mainly manifesting as. endocarditis, chronic hepatitis, osteomyelitis, etc. . When the patient's condition is severe, it may also lead to. multi-organ failure and even death. It is worth noting that some. symptoms of Q fever are similar to those of a common cold, which is.

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