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Rapporten omhandler anbefalinger vedrørende brug af urinstix til diagnostik af urinvejsinfektioner (UVI) hos voksne i hospitalsregi. Udgivet af Dansk Selskab for Infektionsmedicin og Dansk Selskab for Klinisk Mikrobiologi

Sider [1]

… SSI. 15.15 – 15.30. Kaffe og kage og frugt. 15.30 – 16.30.  . Antimicrobial stewardship i praksis. Afdelingslæge, Jon Gitz Holler, Nordsjællands Hospital. 12. juni 2024 (dag 2): Sepsis, antibiotika, urinvejsinfektioner. Tid. Emne og underviser. 08.30 – 12.30. SEPSIS. 08.30 – 09.30. Det septiske shock. Professor, overlæge Anders Perner, Intensiv, RH. 09.30 – 09.45. Pause.

…nsøgere end majoritetsbefolkningen i immigrationslande. Dette er også vist i Danmark i forbindelse med en nylig register-baseret ph.d. ved mikrobiolog Rikke Thoft Nielsen, som ligeledes viser en forhøjet andel af antibiotika resistens i forbindelse med urinvejsinfektioner, hudinfektioner og bakteriæmi blandt flygtninge og familiesammenførte indvandrere. Artiklen konkluderer, at migrationsprocesser medfører en række risikofaktorer for AMR.

Nyt fra tidsskrifterne [+20]

Der er mere end 20 resultater, måske du vil se flere resultater her?

BMJ Open
. Introduction. Urinary incontinence (UI) is a common condition among older adults with adverse consequences to health and well-being. Shame, stigma and cultural perspectives can prevent treatment-seeking behaviour. Although there is an abundance of studies in the health research literature that explore the physiological basis of UI, there is limited evidence on the role culture plays in shaping knowledge of, attitudes to and beliefs about UI.
Journal of Infectious Diseases
… the potential for metabolomics to identify metabolite concentrations that differentiate children with CAP from those without. The objective of this study was to expand these findings in a large cohort of children with CAP compared with controls.Methods . Urine was collected from children, 3 months to 12 years old, with emergency department visits for suspected CAP and community-based controls. Nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry was used to identify and quantify metabolites.
BMJ Open
. Background. Urinary catheter placement is routinely performed after proctectomy. However, there is uncertainty regarding the need for bladder training before catheter removal. This trial aims to examine the effect of intermittent catheter clamping combined with active urination training (ICCAUT) on urinary retention and secondary catheterisation after proctectomy. . Methods and analysis.
PLoS One Infectious Diseases
…d T. Katz, Paul K. Drain . Background Adolescents and young adults (AYA) living with HIV face several challenges to engaging in HIV care, which can impact adherence to antiretroviral therapy (ART). Point-of-care (POC) diagnostics that detect tenofovir in urine may be a useful tool to support ART adherence, but perspectives from AYA in South Africa have not been explored.
PLoS One Infectious Diseases
by Tiscar Graells, Yi-Ting Lin, Shafqat Ahmad, Tove Fall, Johan Ärnlöv . Background The urinary microbiome, or urobiome, is a novel area of research that has been gaining attention recently, as urine was thought to be sterile for years. There is limited information about the composition of the urobiome in health and disease. The urobiome may be affected by several factors and diseases such as diabetes, a disease that often leads to kidney damage.
BMJ Open
. Introduction. Acute uncomplicated urinary tract infection (UTI) is a common condition with potentially serious sequelae that is mostly diagnosed and managed in primary care settings. Around half of all women have a UTI in their lifetime, and a quarter experience an infection caused by organisms resistant to more than one antibiotic. Reducing inappropriate prescribing of antibiotics is a core tenet of antimicrobial stewardship.
BMC Infectious Diseases
. Abstract. . Background. Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are a significant global health issue, especially among women, with growing concerns related to antibiotic resistance and adverse effects. The Uromune®, a sublingual, heat-inactivated, polybacterial vaccine, represents a promising therapeutic alternative by enhancing immune responses against uropathogens. . . .
BMC Infectious Diseases
…iority that urgently require the research and development of new drugs. This study aims to determine the prevalence and characterize the genes conferring resistance to β-lactams among Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae isolated from patients with urinary tract infections (UTIs) in the West region, Cameroon. . . . Methods.
BMC Infectious Diseases
…iority that urgently require the research and development of new drugs. This study aims to determine the prevalence and characterize the genes conferring resistance to β-lactams among Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae isolated from patients with urinary tract infections (UTIs) in the West region, Cameroon. . . . Methods.
International Journal of Infectious Diseases
Kinetoplastid parasites are protozoans that can be free-living or parasitize various vertebrate and invertebrate hosts, many of which serve as vectors. Some exhibit dixenous life cycles. [1] Most clinically relevant kinetoplastids belong to the Trypanosomatidae family, including Trypanosoma and Leishmania, which cause trypanosomiasis and leishmaniasis. While others, like Phytomonas, infect plants, [1] little is known about the pathogenic potential of free-living species like Dimastigella.
Clinical Microbiology and Infection
The FOSFO-MIC study assessed the clinical and microbiological effectiveness, and safety of intravenous fosfomycin in treating complicated urinary tract infections (cUTIs) caused by Escherichia coli, in comparison with other intravenous antimicrobials.
Clinical Infectious Diseases
Abstract . Background . Urinary tract infections are prone to overdiagnosis, and reflex urine culture protocols offer a valuable opportunity for diagnostic stewardship in this arena. However, there is no recommended standard testing approach. Cancer patients are often excluded from reflex urine culture protocols, especially if severely immunosuppressed or neutropenic.
Clinical Microbiology and Infection
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are among the most commonly diagnosed infections worldwide. They affect the quality of life and represent a significant burden on the health care system and the economy. UTIs are the main cause of antimicrobial prescriptions. However, antimicrobial treatment of UTIs can lead to long-term alteration of the microbiota and the development of multi-resistant uropathogens [1].
BMJ Open
…ly impacts its initial adoption and long-term compliance among patients. However, our understanding of this acceptance remains limited. This study aims to investigate ISC’s psychological acceptance and identify influencing factors among neurogenic lower urinary tract dysfunction (NLUTD) patients in China. . Design. A cross-sectional study design. . Participants. A total of 394 patients with NLUTD were recruited from 15 tertiary general hospitals in China. . Outcome measure.
Clinical Microbiology Reviews
Clinical Microbiology Reviews, Ahead of Print.
International Journal of Infectious Diseases
Pharmacologic metrics of adherence assess drug concentrations in a biomatrix (e.g., plasma, urine, hair, dried blood spots) and have been used to interpret clinical trials of HIV antiretroviral therapy (ART) and pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP). A recently-developed assay using a selective antibody directed against tenofovir (a commonly-used agent in both ART and PrEP) detects recent tenofovir pill-taking (within the past week) in urine at the point-of-care (POC) using a lateral flow assay (LFA).
BMJ Open
. Objectives. To perform a model-based cost-effectiveness evaluation of a rapid antimicrobial susceptibility test. . Design. A Markov model of a cohort of hospital inpatients with urinary tract infection (with inpatient numbers based on national administrative data from 1 April 2017 to 31 March 2019). . Setting. Urinary tract infections (UTI) in acute National Health Service (NHS) Trusts in England, from the perspective of the NHS Healthcare system, at a national level. . Participants.
BMJ Open
. Objectives. To explore influencing factors for postoperative urinary retention (POUR) in cervical cancer patients and construct and validate a POUR prediction model. . Design. A prospective cohort study. . Setting. A large tertiary hospital specialised in child and maternal healthcare in Southwest China. . Participants. 1101 patients undergoing cervical cancer surgery at our hospital were enrolled in the analytic cohort between 1 July 2022 and 31 July 2023.
BMC Infectious Diseases
. Abstract. . Background. Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are widespread worldwide impacting society, economics, and healthcare systems. The rise of antibiotic resistance in both hospital and community settings has further complicated UTI management. This study aims to assess the epidemiologic distribution and microbiologic classification of UTI-causing microorganisms, as well as their resistance patterns. .
Journal of Medical Virology
Journal of Medical Virology, Volume 96, Issue 11, November 2024.
Aktuelle smitsomme sygdomme [+20]

Der er mere end 20 resultater, måske du vil se flere resultater her?

Medscape Infectious Diseases
Researchers confirm that bacteria naturally exist in the urinary tract, influencing kidney stone formation and potentially affecting other renal diseases, opening doors to new treatments. . Medscape Medical News
Medscape Infectious Diseases
The FDA has approved Orlynvah, a new oral treatment for uncomplicated urinary tract infections (UTIs) in women who have limited options for effective antibiotic therapy. . WebMD Health News
Medscape Infectious Diseases
A randomized, double-blind study casts doubt on the effectiveness of a common treatment. . Medscape Medical News
Medscape Infectious Diseases
A randomized study published in 2022 showed the vaccine's efficacy in preventing urinary tract infections over 9 months. . Medscape Medical News
Medscape Infectious Diseases
The global rise in antibiotic resistance has complicated the therapeutic choices for urinary tract infections. . Medscape Medical News
…griculture, livestock, and dairy farm workers . - stockyard/feedlot workers and transporters of animals, animal. products, and animal waste . - shearers, wool classers/sorters, pelt and hide processors . - knackery and tannery workers . - pet food manufacturing workers . - veterinarians, veterinary nurses/students/researchers, and others. who work with veterinary specimens . - agriculture college staff and students (working with high-risk. animals) . - animal shooters/hunters .
…were also affected. . The predominant age group affected is 21-30 years, while the. male-to-female ratio for confirmed cases is 1:0.8. . Lassa fever is a haemorrhagic viral illness caused by contact with. food or household items contaminated with rodent urine or faeces. . The virus is carried in multimammate rats (the common soft-furred. African rat where the female has 2 rows of breasts). The rat normally. lives in the bush and visits nearby homes for food; which they. contaminate.
…ganisation, Lassa fever is an acute. viral haemorrhagic illness caused by the Lassa virus, a member of the. arenavirus family of viruses. . Humans usually become infected with the Lassa virus through exposure. to food or household items contaminated with urine or faeces of. infected _Mastomys_ rats. The disease is endemic in the rodent. population in parts of West Africa. . Lassa fever is known to be endemic in Benin, Ghana, Guinea, Liberia,.
… from consuming contaminated seafood, according to the CDC. . The intestinal infectious disease has an incubation period of. approximately 8 to 14 days, and is primarily transmitted through the. consumption of food or water contaminated with the feces or urine of. an infected person, Lin said. . He urged the public to maintain proper food and hand hygiene, ensure. food is fully cooked and consumed hot, and boil or steam shellfish for. at least 10 minutes before eating. .
….org. ProMED-mail is a program of the. International Society for Infectious Diseases. www.isid.org . Date: February 2025 . Source: IJID [edited] . www.ijidonline.com . . . ISID Guidelines . --------------- . Preventing catheter-associated urinary tract infections: a position. paper of the International Society for Infectious Diseases, 2024. update . Rosenthal et al. Int J Infect Dis. 2025;151:107304 . doi.org/10.1016/j.ijid.2024.107304 . .
…end of the period studied, the central epicenter of the. country caused additional transmissions in the west. . In addition, Álvarez Vera noted that serum was the sample with the. highest positivity, but pointed out that other types of samples, such. as urine and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), were also useful after the. acute phase of the disease and in patients with neurological damage. At the end of his presentation, he referred to ongoing research,.
…iably distinguish these. illnesses from a variety of other infectious diseases.' . . 'Blood culture is the mainstay of diagnosis. Bone marrow cultures have. sensitivity of 80% in some studies and can remain positive despite. antibiotic therapy. Stool and urine cultures are positive less. frequently. Usually, multiple cultures are needed to identify the. pathogen. Serologic tests, such as the Widal test, are not recommended. because of the high rate of false positives'.
…outbreak-uganda-grows-7-cases . . . Today [6 Feb 2025] the World Health Organization (WHO) said there are. now 7 cases of Ebola Sudan in Uganda's capital, Kampala, up from 2. just a couple days ago [4 Feb 2025]. The updated case numbers were. presented during a WHO Information Network for Epidemics webinar,. according to the infectious disease tracking forum FluTrackers. . The index case-patient was a 32-year-old male nurse who developed. symptoms on January 19 [2025]. He died 10 days later, with tests.
…pear, including fever, headache, muscle and joint pain, fatigue,. loss of appetite, gastrointestinal symptoms, and unexplained bleeding. Ebola disease is spread through direct contact (through broken skin or. mucous membranes) with the body fluids (blood, urine, feces, saliva,. droplet, semen, or other secretions) of a person who is sick with or. has died from Ebola disease. Ebola disease is also spread by infected. animals, or through direct contact with objects like needles that are.
…m local government and another reported. case in Shendam. . Leadership [News] reports that Lassa fever is an acute viral. haemorrhagic illness caused by Lassa virus. It is transmitted to. humans through exposed food and household items contaminated with. urine or faeces of infected rats. Lassa fever symptoms include. headache, sore throat, muscle pain, chest pain, vomiting, diarrhoea,. cough, and abdominal pain among others. . The Commissioner further explained that one of the patients died in.
…ge 3, Tra Leng commune, Nam. Tra My district died of suspected rash fever, of which 2 children had. fever and diarrhea but were not taken for timely treatment. . On 4 Feb 2025, Dr. Mai Van Muoi, Director of the Quang Nam Department. of Health, said that during the recent Lunar New Year, a number of. cases of rash fever in children appeared in the mountainous commune of. Tra Leng. To date, there have been 3 deaths. . The 1st 2 cases were a 7-year-old and a 3-year-old child who died on.
…es in 2025 already exceeds. what was recorded in the same period of the previous year [2024]. . What is the hantavirus and how is it transmitted? . . Hantavirus [infection] causes a severe acute viral disease,. transmitted through the saliva, feces, and urine of infected field. mice. Infection occurs primarily through inhalation in contaminated. environments, although it can also occur through direct contact with. rodents or their secretions, or through bites. .
…of. infection of humans or other vertebrate animals in the locality where. the virus was encountered in Alabama. It would also be of interest to. determine the shrew-virus relationship to see if a chronic infection. is established and if virus shedding in urine, saliva, and feces. occurs. The challenge for conducting the needed laboratory experiments. is maintaining shrews in captivity, since their high metabolic rate. makes them extremely difficult to keep alive in captivity. Since human.
…s the dry season is usually associated. with increased movement of the vector, the multimammate rat (_Mastomys. natalensis_), into homes or closer to human habitations to search for. food. The vector contaminates food that is not properly stored with. its urine and feces. In addition, post-harvest is associated with. drying out food items in areas that are not rat proof, leading to. contamination of food items and increasing infection in such areas.
…ancing spots, flashes), partial to total loss of. vision, and rarely eye pain. Visual examination may reveal abnormal. findings. Fixed dilated pupils are a sign of severe exposure to. methanol. - Other: Electrolyte imbalances. Kidney failure, blood in the urine. (hematuria), and muscle death at the cellular level (rhabdomyolysis). have been reported in severe poisonings. Fatal cases often present. with fast heart rate (tachycardia) or slow heart rate (bradycardia). and an increased rate of respiration.

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