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Malaria in a metropolitan region of Southern Germany: past, present and future perspectives on a protozoan infection with the potential of re-appearance in Central Europe
Malaria Journal
Tilføjet 22.02.2025
Identifying malaria risks amongst forest going populations in Mondulkiri province and Kampong Speu province, Cambodia: a large cross-sectional survey
Malaria Journal
Tilføjet 22.02.2025
Intermittent screening using ultra-sensitive malaria rapid diagnostic test and treatment with pyronaridine-artesunate compared to standard preventive treatment with sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine for malaria prevention in pregnant women in Kinshasa, DRC
Malaria Journal
Tilføjet 22.02.2025
Animal Models for Long COVID: Current Advances, Limitations, and Future Directions
Journal of Medical Virology
Tilføjet 22.02.2025
Clinical and Analytical Evaluation of the Abbott Alinity m HR HPV Assay in a New Generation First‐Void Urine Collector
Journal of Medical Virology
Tilføjet 22.02.2025
Urgent Focus on the Surgical Risks of People Living With HIV: A Systematic Review and Meta‐Analysis
Journal of Medical Virology
Tilføjet 22.02.2025
Update on MDR-TB preventive therapy towards the global TB elimination
International Journal of Infectious Diseases
Tilføjet 22.02.2025
Volume 31, Number 2-February 2025
Emerging Infectious Diseases
Tilføjet 22.02.2025
Dispatch - Amebiasis in Mexico, 2014-2023
Emerging Infectious Diseases
Tilføjet 22.02.2025
Research Letter - Bayou Hantavirus Cardiopulmonary Syndrome, Louisiana, USA, 2022-2023
Emerging Infectious Diseases
Tilføjet 22.02.2025
Synopsis - Two Human Cases of Fatal Meningoencephalitis Associated with Potosi and Lone Star Virus Infections, United States, 2020-2023
Emerging Infectious Diseases
Tilføjet 22.02.2025
Research - Cyclospora Genotypic Variations and Associated Epidemiologic Characteristics, United States, 2018-2021
Emerging Infectious Diseases
Tilføjet 22.02.2025
Synopsis - National Surveillance of Human Ehrlichiosis Caused by Ehrlichia ewingii, United States, 2013-2021
Emerging Infectious Diseases
Tilføjet 22.02.2025
Research - Streptococcus pyogenes emm Type 3.93 Emergence, the Netherlands and England
Emerging Infectious Diseases
Tilføjet 22.02.2025
Assessing insecticide susceptibility of Culex pipiens linnaeus (Diptera: Culicidae) in the Aras River basin: implications for disease control
BMC Infectious Diseases
Tilføjet 22.02.2025
Some zoonotic infectious diseases are prevalent among children under 15 years of age in Ardabil Province, northern Iran
BMC Infectious Diseases
Tilføjet 22.02.2025
A bundle-based approach on catheter-associated urinary tract infection: a multi-center study in Chinese tertiary hospitals
BMC Infectious Diseases
Tilføjet 22.02.2025
Cervical cancer screening uptake and its predictors among women aged 30–49 in Ghana: Providing evidence to support the World Health Organization’s cervical cancer elimination initiative
BMC Infectious Diseases
Tilføjet 22.02.2025
Capnocytophaga ochracea detected in cerebrospinal fluid of a meningioma patient: a case report
BMC Infectious Diseases
Tilføjet 22.02.2025
Effect of changes trajectory of serum phosphate levels on the 28-day mortality risk in patients with sepsis: a retrospective cohort study from the MIMIC-IV database
BMC Infectious Diseases
Tilføjet 22.02.2025
Human SLAM-adapted canine distemper virus can enter human peripheral blood mononuclear cells and replicate in mice expressing human SLAM and defective for STAT1 expression
Tilføjet 22.02.2025
Having your cake and eating it too – a new target for sporozoite-neutralising mAbs
Trends in Parasitology
Tilføjet 22.02.2025
Culex pipiens complex (common house mosquito)
Trends in Parasitology
Tilføjet 22.02.2025
Tackling cutaneous herpes simplex virus disease with topical immunomodulators—a call to action
Clinical Microbiology Reviews
Tilføjet 22.02.2025
LC16m8 for Pre-exposure Prophylaxis against Mpox in a High-Risk Population: An Open-Label Randomized Trial
Clinical Infectious Diseases
Tilføjet 22.02.2025
The Effectiveness of Newer Beta-Lactams for the Treatment of Antimicrobial-Resistant Gram-Negative Meningitis
Clinical Infectious Diseases
Tilføjet 22.02.2025
Enhancing Influenza Vaccination for Adults Aged 50–64: Addressing Moderate Vaccine Efficacy
Clinical Infectious Diseases
Tilføjet 22.02.2025